Fun with Google Analytics

Sometimes its great to just sit back, pull up Google Analytics and see just what’s bringing people to this site.

Apparently its NOT talking about emerging Christianity. My site visits have dropped each day since I started trying to explain it on Monday morning. Oh well.

So far this week these have been the top keywords/phrases used to bring people to
Continue reading Fun with Google Analytics

Google found my backyard

So, Google Maps still hasn’t updated my street on their site. Not sure why, perhaps the developers haven’t officially turned the roads over to the city yet. Who knows – but you can at least see our backyard now thanks to Google Street view (which covers most of the US now!! WOW!).

View Larger Map

UPDATE :: and here’s the house I grew up in…

View Larger Map
There used to be an amazing Cottonwood tree in the front (where all the grass is gone.) and the house used to be painted red and white.

and here’s the house my mom and her sister grew up in ::

View Larger Map
all the brick work is new and the front door used to be between the two windows. the trees over to the right of the house is where me and my friends used to build forts and such.

Adding some revenue (hopefully)

Teabass (aka Andrew Nesbitt) (no not Seabass or C-Bass) shared a great little bit of WordPress love/help/code today on his blog.

Of course you’ve probably all realized that there are some ads on both my blog, and Laurie’s blog. You may have ignored them all the time — and that’s OK (well sorta ;-)). We’ve added these ads in hopes to at least cover the cost of our webhosting ($150 a year) and if possible, help pay off some of our debt (see the ongoing battle on the lower right hand column).

Anyways, we’ve attempted to do this as non-intrusive as possible while still making the ads visible enough and attractive enough that you’d want to click on them from time to time. Different ads mean different money — i.e. clicking on a Google ad might give us one-cent or maybe even 17-cents (depending on the advertiser). Clicking on an Amazon ad doesn’t give us anything – but if you purchase something from Amazon after clicking on our ads – we get a percentage of the sale.

So why do you care?

Well if you’re a regular reader, you probably won’t noticed we’ve added Andrew’s new code and thus more advertising to our blog posts. You won’t likely notice, because you probably read all the blog posts within 30 days of their original posting. However, for folks who might find a blog post via Google (say something that I wrote back in January about Justin Farmer) — then they’ll notice a new Google ad on each blog post that’s older than 30 days.

It was super simple to add and while I’d love to give you the code here — you can go right to the source for all the details.

So that’s that. Keep reading (and clicking/buying) and let me know if you’ve found other creative ways to build your revenue stream on your blog or website.

Google to launch new browser

Google announced today that they will release a new Internet browser tomorrow – Google Chrome.

On the surface, we designed a browser window that is streamlined and simple. To most people, it isn’t the browser that matters. It’s only a tool to run the important stuff — the pages, sites and applications that make up the web. Like the classic Google homepage, Google Chrome is clean and fast. It gets out of your way and gets you where you want to go.

Under the hood, we were able to build the foundation of a browser that runs today’s complex web applications much better. By keeping each tab in an isolated “sandbox”, we were able to prevent one tab from crashing another and provide improved protection from rogue sites. We improved speed and responsiveness across the board. We also built a more powerful JavaScript engine, V8, to power the next generation of web applications that aren’t even possible in today’s browsers.

This is just the beginning — Google Chrome is far from done. We’re releasing this beta for Windows to start the broader discussion and hear from you as quickly as possible. We’re hard at work building versions for Mac and Linux too, and will continue to make it even faster and more robust.

We owe a great debt to many open source projects, and we’re committed to continuing on their path. We’ve used components from Apple’s WebKit and Mozilla’s Firefox, among others — and in that spirit, we are making all of our code open source as well. We hope to collaborate with the entire community to help drive the web forward.

I’m a huge fan of open source and Mozilla Firefox. Don’t know if Google’s new browser will take the place of Firefox – but I’ll be downloading it for sure. I can guarantee it will beat Microsoft’s new IE8.

What do you think?

Google Earth updates Jos Nigeria

Screen shot of Jos Nigeria
Originally uploaded by Jonathan D. Blundell.

Just discovered that Google Earth has updated their satellite images of Jos, Nigeria.
Awesome! The streets don’t line up at all but maybe some folks from Jos can build a KML file of some of the SIMS and Evangel Hospital sites in the city…. (hint hint hint)

I built a basic Google Earth (KMZ) file to highlight one or two things I could distinctly see – but its not very extensive or comprehensive by any means. Download the file and then open it in Google Earth to see the new imagery.

Related ::
Google Earth
Google Earth :: Jos Nigeria KMZ file
Photos from my 2006 trip to Jos
Photos of the football/soccer stadium mentioned in the KMZ file :: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
CWF photos from Nigeria 2007
CWF :: Christian Wrestling Federation

Random web stats for the day

I always have fun with web stats. Google Analytics is probably my favorite stats tracker. We have AWstats on our server – but it doesn’t do near as good of a job tracking WordPress posts.

But for those of you who are interested… here’s our the top posts/pages that were viewed from July 6 – July 11 (for the entire domain).

Justin Farmer to leave WFAA (written Jan 8, 2008)
Newt Gingrich on InTouch (written July 9, 2008)
Ellis County churches (and beyond) (written March 12, 2006 – updated since)
SSL links

275 of the visits came from the United States with 148 visits coming from Texas and 42 of those coming from Irving and 6 coming from Sulphur Springs.

58% of you use Internet Explorer (booo!) and 33% of you use Firefox (yeah!).

Only 10 of the visits were from dial-up or slower connections (possibly cellphone use).

There were a couple unique keywords used to find our domain through search engines… including cynthia izzzzzaaaaaguuuuuuuiiiiiiireeeeeeeeee and enormous butt (which brought 6 visitors apparently to a picture by brandi).

So there you have it. Random stats for the day. Hope you enjoyed it.
Now I think I’ll go check out the stats for encounter.