
Found: Cards Against Humanity – A free card game for horrible people

Unlike most of the party games you’ve played before, Cards Against Humanity is as despicable and awkward as you and your friends.

The game is simple. Each round, one player asks a question from a Black Card, and everyone else answers with their funniest White Card.

Aaron Wood says its a lot like Apples to Apples.

Love that it’s available as a free download via Creative Commons or you can purchase the game pre-packaged for $25.

The Alphabet Game

I don’t know how many other folks play this, but I always remember growing up and going on trips with my family and as soon as we (the kids) started getting bored, mom or dad would start the Alphabet Game.

Basically your goal is to find each letter of the alphabet on signs, cars, or other objects you can see outside your car window. You go from A to Z.

Apparently Laurie’s family played this too, but with slightly different rules from what I remember. In their family, they had to call out the word and letter they were using so no one else could use it. For example, “Apple – A, Cannibal – B, Cannibal – C, Drive – D.”

We played the game together several times on our trip to Memphis and I also played the game by myself several times while she was reading or napping.

All this to say – Q has got to be the hardest letter to find. I made it all the way to P this morning on the way to work and waited a good 20 miles before I finally saw a Q. And it was on a Quiznos right next to my bus stop.

On my block-and-a-half walk to my office I made it all the way to Z and then back again through the alphabet to X before I walked in the front door of my office. But boy – that Q can drive a guy nuts!

10 horrible group icebreakers for your church group

No Parking sign
No Parking Please! | Photo by Jonathan Blundell

Aaron shared this list with his group the other night and with our community group leaders…

These are the 10 worst ice breaker ideas so please never try these in your small groups! 😛

10. Share the worst sin you’ve ever committed.

9. If you were God, who would you punish first?

8. Which person in this group do you think needs to find Jesus the most?

7. Which people at your church do you wish would find a different church, and why?

6. If you could erase any verse out of the Bible, which one would it be?

5. Share the juiciest piece of gossip you know so we can pray about it.

4. If you could have anything from your neighbor’s house, what would it be?

3. What’s your favorite of The 10 Commandments to break?

2. If you could change anything about your spouse, what would it be?

1. If you could commit any sin and get away with it, what would it be?

Power Uno

Laurie and I just got back from Kara and Tim’s, we kind of invited ourselves over to hang out with my sister and her husband. They went to the Dallas Farmer’s Market today and picked up a bunch of fruit and veggies, so they provided the sides and a great blackberry cobbler and we brought the meat, sirloin steaks.

We had a great meal, a strawberry summer salad, green beans and new potatoes and the steak.
It all went down great with the hot cobbler and Blue Bell vanilla ice cream. MMMmmmm….

Afterwards we played a couple games, Imagine If, and Power Uno.

I think Imagine If maybe Kara’s new favorite game – but she cleaned house the first round we played so that may have something to do with it.

We ran into a couple snags though with Power Uno, since Laurie and I had only played it once a couple week’s ago at our Community Group meeting (it was a very spiritual week :-)).

I’m going to try and remember the situations and see if anyone has an answer to them. I can’t find any “official” rules or instructions for Power Uno on the web, although I did find some instructions for Super Power, No Sissies.

Just to set up the game/picture we were playing in this order, Jonathan > Laurie > Kara > Tim.

Situation 1: Going around the circle, it was my turn and I played a Draw 2 card. Laurie was next and she drew 2 cards from the deck. I then played another Draw 2 card (same color – identical card to what I laid down originally). We were confused on who would draw the next 2 cards. Would it be Laurie since I jumped in (out of turn to play a duplicate card) or would it be Kara (next in the circle after Laurie) since Laurie had already drawn two and I played at the end of her turn or the beginning of Kara’s turn?

Situation 2: When a duplicate card is played (as in above) who plays next? If I played a red 5 and Kara played a red 5 (out of turn) does she get to play again or would Tim play next since he was next in line after Kara?

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated – any Power Uno players out there let us know what you think.

Anyone else find any new games or variations on old games they love playing?

We’re enjoyed Power Uno, Imagine If and another game we played on July 4 with the Treadaways, Sequence. We haven’t purchased that one yet but we’ve been meaning to. I think we have a hard time justifying paying $15 for it when we saw it at Half Price Books for $6 :-). We’ve also enjoyed Boxers or Briefs but I think Imagine If may beat that one out as a top game. And if we can find it in a store, we’d like to purchase Dirty Laundry.