The Alphabet Game

I don’t know how many other folks play this, but I always remember growing up and going on trips with my family and as soon as we (the kids) started getting bored, mom or dad would start the Alphabet Game.

Basically your goal is to find each letter of the alphabet on signs, cars, or other objects you can see outside your car window. You go from A to Z.

Apparently Laurie’s family played this too, but with slightly different rules from what I remember. In their family, they had to call out the word and letter they were using so no one else could use it. For example, “Apple – A, Cannibal – B, Cannibal – C, Drive – D.”

We played the game together several times on our trip to Memphis and I also played the game by myself several times while she was reading or napping.

All this to say – Q has got to be the hardest letter to find. I made it all the way to P this morning on the way to work and waited a good 20 miles before I finally saw a Q. And it was on a Quiznos right next to my bus stop.

On my block-and-a-half walk to my office I made it all the way to Z and then back again through the alphabet to X before I walked in the front door of my office. But boy – that Q can drive a guy nuts!