Boy, I’m having the toughest of time figuring out how to redesign/layout my blog.
I’ve been toying with a number of ideas over the last few months and still haven’t found anything that I really like.

I keep leaning towards something like a magazine layout where the page is layed out more online magazine/newspaper style (something like the Mimbo theme) but I’m realizing that with 4000+ posts on my blog (with many of them posted under numerous categories) it’s going to be hard to get everything looking right.
I think a magazine style blog goes well with the Kingdom Journalist title I’ve borrowed and adopted from Steve Knight — but I’m still working through how that might look on a blog.

I’ve also looked at some fun ones like Vintage and Blues from Smashing Magazine but I quickly realized I’d need to do a lot of customization on my individual posts to get them to show up right. They’re both still on the drawing board though and I go back to them from time to time and piddle with them as well.

I’ve also thought about bringing the something beautiful theme over to my blog as well. But the way its been setup (before I added a few tweeks to it this weekend) was it only shows the two latest posts on the front page. That’s fine – except some days I tend to write numerous posts.
And to top it all off, I’m still thinking through what all I want this blog to be. Should this blog be an aggregator of all things Jonathan Blundell (think Facebook News Feed or Friendfeed – or the My Life in RSS feed).
Those closest to me say they really want more “reflective” posts where I talk about me, what I’m doing, what I’ve been up to etc. They’re not typically big fans of the “faith” or “political” or “I like this video” posts.
I guess to me I write those posts, because they’re a reflection of who I am. That’s part of who I am. But don’t worry, I see their (your) point as well.
Perhaps rather than trying to share videos, links and the like on my blog – I can just relegate those to the sites I share them on in the first place – like delicious, Google Reader, YouTube, Vimeo and the like – or just let everyone who wants to see these random things subscribe to my FriendFeed?
So, many questions, many ideas – just not one particular one really standing out to me.
What say you?
Oh, and by the way… I purchased with some birthday money money from a bit of freelance work. So that might be another option for future use. Currently it’ll point you to this blog – but in the future I may decide on some other use for it.
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