What does an average day look like for you?
I’m usually up at or around 6am to exercise and/or get ready for the day. The kids wake up shortly thereafter (or before on bad days) and I help them get breakfast and dressed while my wife gets ready for the day.
On weekdays I’m off to work at a tech company where I spend lots of time in meetings, conversations, and in front of the computer. I return home for dinner with the family and then we begin the night routine. I give all four kids baths, help them get in their pajamas, read stories and scriptures, say prayers, sing songs, and say good night (hopefully by 7:30). My wife and I then usually spend about an hour cleaning up the kitchen or house in preparation for the next day.
Once things are settled, I’ll get to work on my projects. These include my Pepe’s Chile site (pepeschile.com), my Dad’s Guide to Twins blog (dadsguidetotwins.com) or our private family blog service (familysays.com).
What’s been the best day of your life?
The best day of my life was my wedding day. Marrying my wife was the best decision I’ve ever made.
What’s been your greatest achievement in life thus far?
My greatest achievements are my kids. They are happy, healthy, and already I see them making good choices at an early age. Surely the types of people my kids become will be the visible manifestation of my abilities and efforts as a father.
What made the biggest difference in helping you achieve that goal?
My wife. She is my outstanding companion in the home and helps keep our family on track and moving forward.
If you could solve one problem in the world – what would it be?
That kids could have stronger families with a solid home foundation. A lot of the world’s problems would be prevented if we all learned moral discipline and responsibility in the home.
Joe Rawlinson is the father of four children: two boys and identical twin girls. By day he is a Senior e-Commerce Product Manager, by night an entrepreneur, and a family man all of the time.