Last week I went searching for a particular business and despite the power of Google and Bing – I couldn’t find a current business location or definitive phone number.
The best I found was a P.O. Box listed on an assocation website.
When I finally tracked someone down, I mentioned the problem and they said, “Yeah – we’re working on it.”
I know technology and the web can be daunting at times, but in this age of fast paced connections, having any presence on the web is vital — and having correct information on the web is even more vital. Continue reading Help! People can’t find us on the web!
The Table Project’s Jason Wenell | Via
With a slogan like “We’re not about connecting people all over the world, we’re about family” – the Table Project has grabbed my attention.
In a time when Christian Facebook alternatives are popping up everywhere, the ideas behind the (non-profit) Table Project are refreshing.
The Table is a relational, online web application, custom-tailored for the church. We aim to engage the community, empower leaders, and move people beyond the pews and into authentic, life-changing friendships.
The site is based around “four legs of the table” – Introduction, Engagement, Prayer & Sharing/Serving.
Now sure you can do all these things on Facebook, or Myspace, or whatever network comes along, but The Table Project gives you an opportunity to share these things in a more private setting with members of “your family/tribe” verses broadcasting them to the world.
In fact, the team behind the project addressed the differences between The Table Project and Facebook in a recent blog post…
The Three Big Differences
The fact that The Table is designed for “us” instead of “me” is a fundamental shift from the traditional social media mindset.
The Table’s atmosphere of privacy and intimacy causes different behaviors to arise that are not seen elsewhere online.
The fact that The Table is designed specifically for the church directs what we create and helps us to define “success” differently.
And I love their explanation video, which includes some history of the church and the importance of church as family… and not just a place we go each week.
With the release of St. Peter’s Brewery just around the corner (you’ll be able to purchase the Amazon Kindle version on Dec. 1), I’d love to get your help in spreading the word about the book.
Other than finalizing the cover, I think everything is ready to go to the press. In fact, I plan on releasing a version for Amazon’s Kindle next Tuesday – Dec. 1. So if you have a Kindle, or their desktop software, you’ll be able to purchase a copy of the book directly from Amazon for $8.99. Continue reading Sticking my toes back in the water