One if these is not centered…
Tag: DIY
Facebook profile hack (with Photoshop template)

With the recent Facebook profile changes, folks are coming up with some creative ways to “hack” their Facebook profiles.
I had a little down time last night and thought I’d play around my own profile page.
Continue reading Facebook profile hack (with Photoshop template)
Bachelor Dinner
bachelor dinner
Originally uploaded by Jonathan D. Blundell
A strange thing tends to occur when I’m left to eat dinner on my own — I think its something I picked up from my dad — I tend to come up with some different creations.
I usually take advantage of knowing Laurie won’t have to eat what I fix, so I tend to pull things out we might have left over that I know she won’t likely eat later as well.
Tonight was no different. As she rushed off to St. Arbucks I cooked up some turkey meatballs we got from Costco and made a super tasty sauce to go with them.
The sauce was made of canned jalapenos, sliced green onions, HEB BBQ sauce and a bit of water to thin it out.
Topped the meatballs and sauce with cheese and I had quite a tasty meal (and lunch left over for tomorrow).
I also made some homemade chips with some left over corn tortillas. I basically cut the tortillas into quarters, splashed some EVOO on them, added some salt and cajun seasoning and baked them at 350 for 10 minutes.
They tasted great but the texture wasn’t quite right on most of the chips. But some of them got just the right heat, oil and everything else and were superb. Now if only I remember what I did differently with those chips :-).
NOTE: The tortillas in this picture were only stand-ins for the real tortilla chips. The real ones were still “getting their tanning on” when this picture was taken.
Day 145/365 new light
Day 145 ~ 365 Days Project
Originally uploaded by Laurie B!
Laurie and I have been wanting this light for our kitchen for a while now – it’s been out of stock at the Frisco IKEA for at least a month.
On the way back from our cruise we stopped at IKEA in Houston and were able to grab the one we wanted.
Took some time tonight to hang it and Laurie took some great photos.
Not sure if it was the summers doing electrical work with my dad or the easy instructions IKEA provided, but its been fun getting my “hands dirty” fixing/installing these random things around the house.
Freelance Freedom
Holiday tech ads
The guys over at have put together a list of their favorite Christmas tech ads. Great stuff this year – especially this JC Penny ad set to John Lennon’s Real Love:
See the full list thanks to MakeMagazine