Read the Bible in 90 Days #B90X


So, I heard about a CRAZY idea while watching #thenines last week.

Someone has the audacity to think they can read through the entire Bible in 90 days! 90!

I have trouble reading through it in a year. (I even tried again this year and didn’t make it past January.)
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We get to carry each other

Serving at the Mission

I’m reading the new book “We Get to Carry Each Other: The Gospel according to U2” (by Greg Garrett) right now and it talks a lot about community and how the band has always emphasized helping those around us and the privilege we have to actually GET to carry each other. Yet for some reason we seem to think its a burden to build community, to open up to others, to share and serve.

How different (my) our outlook and lives could be if we saw serving and loving others is actually a privilege – a calling – a purpose in our lives…
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A good friend turned me on to this word yesterday during our short phone call – cymbrogi.

A Celtic term used (pronounced koom-bro-gee) that’s been translated along the lines of “fellow countrymen,” “band of warriors,” and “companions of the heart.”

I love the term and the idea that we as a Church, and smaller communities of faith, should be Cymbrogi.

While searching for more information, I found one group online that uses the term in context of “sword brothers”.
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St. Arbucks kicks off a new add campaign


St. Arbucks is kicking off a new add campaign with new print ads that really highlight the greatness that is St. Arbucks. They work to break down the myths and stereotypes of the worldwide coffee giant. The ads doen’t knock the competitors as much as really show what St. Arbucks is about and why you should make it your third place.
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Dining with friends


It’s interesting how often food is mentioned in Scripture.

We see it parallel our spiritual lives in so many ways.

What goes in, must come out.
Man cannot live on bread alone…
Take and eat, this is my body…

Even the early Christians were known to partake in a “Love Feast” where everyone joined together and shared their meals and life together. I liken it to what Max Fincher calls, “The Gospel of Welcome.”
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