Pro-tip: relieving sinus congestion

While a hot beverage always feels best with a sore throat, it can actually make any congestion you might have worse.
Try drinking a cold drink and sucking on large pieces of ice, holding them to the roof of your mouth where possible, to help relieve the swelling of the capillaries in your nose.

HT several sources around the web


Originally uploaded by Jonathan D. Blundell.

its awfully cold today in North Texas. maybe not as cold as other places, but following a weekend of 80 degrees, 30 degrees feels super cold.

we’re lucky. even in my garage its not that cold. i had a nice hot shower and settled down with a cold beer before remembering i needed to take this photo. then i put on a nice warm beanie and my extra warm new coat and took this photo. i even have some nice warm gloves in my pocket that i could have put on.

yet tonight around north texas and elsewhere who knows how many men, women and children are trying to stay warm outside.

this weekend my friends Josh and Jeff spent 29 hours on the street in waco, living as though they were homeless. Josh said he realized fairly quickly that it was a lot harder than he imagined. just 29 hours. yet folks do it 24/7.

thanks to folks like who help remind us that these are real people with real stories. i hope to tell Josh and Jeff’s story soon on the podcast and hopefully Mark (from as well.

until then, chew on this and then check out the website ::

On the street I saw a small girl cold and shivering in a thin dress, with little hope of a decent meal. I became angry and said to God; “Why did you permit this? Why don’t you do something about it?” For a while God said nothing. That night he replied, quite suddenly:

“I certainly did something about it. I made you.”

also – read my first night homeless

pray for the least of these

tonight it’s frigid cold in Dallas. mid 30’s – 20’s I would estimate and maybe colder by early morning.
tonight Laurie and I played two rounds of miniature golf in our nice warm harm in suburbia.
tonight thousands sleep under overpasses and cardboard boxes less than 30 miles from us.
pray for them. pray that God warms their bodies and their hearts. and pray for us as a people when we drive by them and judge them with our thoughts and our stares.

You know it’s cold when…

5. You can see your breath while sitting at your office cubicle.
4. Your money really is burning a whole in your pockets to keep you warm.
3. The television meteorologists have been predicting the end of mankind for the last six nights.
2. Republicans and Democrats are holding hands and gathering in small huddles with each other just to stay warm.
1. You put your coat on at 7:55 a.m. before you leave for work and don’t take it off again until you climb into bed at 11:30 p.m.

Ice storms?

One bloggers opinion: Don’t get me started on how the “It’s Gonna Freeze! Get your portable radio and flashlights” mentality of television newscasts in markets where it rarely snows/sleets is nothing more than a conspiracy to drive people to the grocery stores to ramp up their profit margins so they can buy more TV commercials.
Vince Leibowitz