Not over yet

What a weekend… and it’s not over yet.

The stockings are hung by the chimney with care…

Yesterday (Friday) was my last day to work for Ellis County. It was a great job. I enjoyed it and I’m thankful for everyone who helped me along the way. Another opportunity came available and I was surprised that I was offered a job with Dallas County Community College District.
I’ll be working in their admin building downtown helping keep their course catalog updated online.
It’s a step up pay wise as well as benefit wise it would appear.
I’ll start the new position Wednesday, Dec. 5.
As part of wrapping up things with the county, I turned my laptop in and set it up for my boss. Not a big deal, but we ended up checking on some phone calls and complaints later than I expected so we got back to the office later than normal and I still had to finish a couple things with the computers before leaving.
Not a big deal in and of itself but apparently I didn’t hear/understand or forgot that Laurie wanted to head to Dallas at 4 p.m. DOH! She txt’d me around 4:20 asking when I’d be home. Thinking we weren’t leaving till 5 I told her I’d be home by then and then discovered through the next couple messages that that was going to mess up our schedule.
I hate doing things like that. I hate running late, especially when someone is counting on me – and I do it far too often. I need to add that to my list of things to improve this year and next.
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