Huckabee and Obama – BIG WINS

In case you missed it… Mike Huckabee won big on the Republican side and Barack Obama won big on the Democratic side in Iowa last night.
I think most of the anchors were going with the fact that both of these guys are outsiders – not your typical establishment. I can see that and agree. Even the campaign folks for Huckabee and Obama seemed to be heading with that spin.
The laughing point of the night however was MSNBC’s interview of Howard Dean, former Presidential candidate and now DNC Chairman. He kept working the spin for the DNC. “As DNC Chairman, I can’t support one side or the other but look at the huge turnout…. yadi yadi yadi.”
Brian Bailey pointed out on his Twitter feed that even with a huge turnout for the Democrats – 70% of the Democrats voted against Hillary. That’s worse that Gov. Rick Perry’s last election in Texas.

Huckabee will be everywhere this morning (media wise) – here’s his schedule:

ABC’s “Good Morning America” with host Diane Sawyer
CBS’ “The Early Show” with anchor Harry Smith
NBC’s “Today Show” with co-hosts Matt Lauer, Meredith Vieira, Ann Curry and Al Roker
CNN’s “Morning in America” with host Kiran Chetry
MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” with co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski
CNBC’s “Squawk Box” with host Carl Quintanilla
FOX NEWS’ “Fox and Friends” with co-hosts Steve Doocy & Brian Kilmeade
CNN “International Report” with co-anchor Anjali Rao

Saturday’s double header debate should be a lot of fun. Wonder if I can get Laurie to tune in as well?

The best campaign website

Zephyr Teachout, writes that Mike Huckabee’s campaign has the most effective online operation of any of the candidates.”

I think there are a lot of things folks can learn from this in any organization – especially in ministry.
I think each of these areas are ones that churches, ministries and other political candidates and organizations can put into play.
Here’s the highlights:

  1. He has the best use of video in the year that YouTube matteres the most. He is the only candidate consistently–every day–sharing user-created videos on his blog.
  2. He has done minor blogger outreach since April, to great effect; the twice-a-month phone calls with Huckabee and bloggers (homeschoolers, godbloggers, anyone who wanted to sign up)
  3. His blog has typos. This is not in itself a good thing, but evidence of a good thing. A website is not a candidate, and it is not a flyer, but most people encounter websites more like they do an individual than they do a flyer–does it excude some authenticity, does it actually attempt to communicate, or does it try to shut down any conversation except “My candidate is the bees knees.”
  4. His website is not a Stepford Site. It has big buttons that are about making it easy for users, not slick presentation that are about making it impressive for the webteam.
  5. He encourages independent action. He encourages people to go to Meetup. He encourages the growth of Huck’s Army (a very active independent Huckabee forum).

“All of this has led to massive rise in traffic (now well above Clinton’s and Obama’s, only lower than Ron Paul’s). And like Ron Paul’s supporters’ use of the internet, it is helping him in the polls and in support around the country. Unlike Ron Paul, the “help” may lead to winning key states and the primary.”
In what areas could you improve your ministry website/blog by utilizing some of these tips?

Huckabee steps up his hotel accomidations

According to a report from the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Mike Huckabee has stepped up his hotel accommodation’s during the campaigning.
He’s now staying at the “luxurious” Holiday Inn.

He thinks a stay at a Holiday Inn is “luxurious.” It’s hard to imagine Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney or Rudy Giuliani thinking the same. And while his fellow candidates travel in large entourages neatly packed into convoys of black SUVs, Huckabee says he gives local cabbies and car-rental outlets lots of business.
“I finally put my foot down about subpar accommodations earlier this year,” said the former Arkansas governor. “I understand frugal and budget but there was a place my staff had me stay near Houston that was so bad that I was the only person in the hotel that did not have tattoos, metal objects piercing my face — and wore sleeves.”

Read the full story.

Huckabee looking better and better

The DMN says Mike Huckabee is on the rise:

Longtime Bush adviser Dan Bartlett, candidly assessing the Republican field, calls Mike Huckabee the “best candidate” but questions whether Americans would elect another president from Hope, Ark., especially one named “Huckabee.”
Mr. Huckabee certainly lags in fundraising and national polls, but quietly, even unexpectedly, the genial former Arkansas governor may be turning the GOP’s Big Four into a Big Five. He scored a triumph last weekend at the “Values Voters Summit” and got good marks from Sunday’s Fox News Channel debate.
And in the key kickoff state of Iowa, there are signs of a showing that could transform the race.

The campaign is hoping to raise $1.034 million this month, or $1 more than they did in the third quarter. They’re only $300k or so short. If KERA can raise $500k in two weeks, I know Huckabee can raise $300k.
So get out your checkbook and help him surge ahead.

While you’re filling out the contribution form, watch Huckabee’s speech at the Value Voters Summit: