Huckabee looking better and better

The DMN says Mike Huckabee is on the rise:

Longtime Bush adviser Dan Bartlett, candidly assessing the Republican field, calls Mike Huckabee the “best candidate” but questions whether Americans would elect another president from Hope, Ark., especially one named “Huckabee.”
Mr. Huckabee certainly lags in fundraising and national polls, but quietly, even unexpectedly, the genial former Arkansas governor may be turning the GOP’s Big Four into a Big Five. He scored a triumph last weekend at the “Values Voters Summit” and got good marks from Sunday’s Fox News Channel debate.
And in the key kickoff state of Iowa, there are signs of a showing that could transform the race.

The campaign is hoping to raise $1.034 million this month, or $1 more than they did in the third quarter. They’re only $300k or so short. If KERA can raise $500k in two weeks, I know Huckabee can raise $300k.
So get out your checkbook and help him surge ahead.

While you’re filling out the contribution form, watch Huckabee’s speech at the Value Voters Summit:

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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