Bush’s ungiven speech

On October 1, 2001, President George W. Bush did not give the following speech to a special
session of Congress. The speech did not interrupt regularly scheduled broadcasts on television
and radio. It did not interrupt and change the current of history either…

But what if he had…

Read Bush’s ungiven speech, as written by Brian McLaren, author of Everything Must Change: Jesus, Global Crises, and a Revolution of Hope, which we plan to read this month for Headphonaught’s Book Club.

DJ’s: Cuttin’ Up C-Span

DJ RX pokes fun at Bush and other politicians with his mashups.

RX combed through videotapes to build the bogus phrases he needed to have the president “sing” songs like U2’s antiwar anthem “Sunday Bloody Sunday.”

Or you can watch his other mashsups at http://www.youtube.com/user/rx2008.

UPDATE: Watch Obama – The Tax Man