WordPress 3.0 is now available

I’ve been looking forward to this update for a while.

If for nothing else, this reason alone

Developers and network admins will appreciate the long-awaited merge of MU and WordPress, creating the new multi-site functionality which makes it possible to run one blog or ten million from the same installation.

I’m looking forward to merging several WordPress sites into one installation to save time and effort in the future.


Huge props to everyone who work on making WordPress what it is! Keep up the great work.

As an added note, if you’re still using Blogger or perhaps WordPress.com (which runs on WordPress 3.0) and you’d like to make the switch to a self-hosted WordPress site, check out Hostgator, who I use for the vast majority of my sites (I was waiting for this WP release to move the rest of my sites to them). They offer one-click install and you can run all your blogs/sites on their servers for as little as $4.95 a month. And use coupon code JDBLUNDELL at check out to save $9.94 on your initial purchase. Click here to find out more.

Answering the question :: What should I blog about?

I have several friends (and family members) with blogs that get updated somewhat frequently. Others are far more occasional, and still others, I have to wonder if they’ve forgotten their password.

When I ask them about it, their usual response is, “Well I don’t know what to write about.”

I understand, I’ve had writer’s block before.

But there’s one thing I’ve found that gets me over my writer’s block every time — writing.

I know you’re all looking at me funny now but perhaps I can explain.
Continue reading Answering the question :: What should I blog about?

Taking a break

Multi-tasking at work

Yup, I’m taking a break. A sabbatical, leave of absence, vacation, or whatever you want to call it — a break from Web 2.0.

As of writing this, I’m not sure how long it’ll be. I’m thinking at least two weeks, but maybe the whole month of November. We’ll just wait and see.
Continue reading Taking a break

Posterous or Tumblr?

posterous vs. tumblr

I’ve noticed several friends moving towards Posterous and/or Tumblr?

They both seem like another aggregate for lifestreaming. Like variations of Friendfeed, without the automatic importing.

What’s the difference? Which do you prefer? Why?

Share your opinions in the comments below.

As a bonus for fans of WordPress and Tumblr, there’s what looks to be a great plugin for folks wanting to use their WordPress site more like they would Tumblr.

A Christian Ethic of Blogging


Blake Huggins shared his thoughts on this great quote from NT Wright…

“It really is high time we developed a Christian ethic of blogging. Bad temper is bad temper even in the apparent privacy of your own hard drive, and harsh and unjust words, when released into the wild, rampage around and do real damage. And as for the practice of saying mean an unjust things behind a pseudonym – well if I get a letter like that it goes straight in the bin. But the cyberspace equivalents of road rage don’t happen by accident. People who type vicious, angry, slanderous and inaccurate accusations do so because they feel their worldview to be under attack.” – NT Wright

Blake continues…

I couldn’t agree more. Blogging is at the same time both great and dangerous. It brings out the best and the worst in us. I am grateful for the many friends that I have made through this platform but I get really put out with the slander and hateful words that are put forth under the auspices of speaking the truth or defending the faith, or whatever else. As Christians we have a great opportunity to have rich and robust conversation and to model what charitable dialogue and respectful disagreement might look like. At our best we do that well, but sometimes we blow it.

I totally agree with both. I’ve twittered and blogged several times in the past about how difficult it would be to go a whole day without complaining about something online.
Continue reading A Christian Ethic of Blogging