Re: Keeping it weird

Just to add to the weirdness of this weekend, our Internet went down last Sunday and since that time we haven’t been able to connect Laurie’s OS X laptop to the Wi-Fi network. I’ve been battling it all week long.
Finally she said, “Let’s just go buy another router.”
So we did along with a plunger for our upstairs toilet that hasn’t been working right since the city crews started working on the nearby waterline.
After our stop at Target we ran by the Waxahachie Chamber of Commerce building to check on the cache we hid there a month or so ago. And as luck would have it – it was muggled. Stolen or moved.
We had a cache we’ve been waiting to hide for a while and thought about replacing the first one with the new container but with the luck we’ve been having we figured we’d better wait. No since in getting something else stolen.
After we arrived home – a little frustrated we were able to get the water flowing in our tub and toilet again and I started working on the new wi-fi router. The software that came with the package kept giving me errors left and right.
It was not the news I wanted to see/hear.
I started to do a manual install and then come more rains and power outages. Wonderful.
Luckily though our luck changed and I was able to get the wi-fi router setup correctly before I had to leave for a small group meeting.
Just another day at Casa de Blundell.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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