Going dark

Croatia Internet - http://www.flickr.com/photos/notrealistic/3434937007/

It’s no secret that I enjoy being online and connecting with others.

But being on vacation last week — primarily in international waters — forced me to forgo my daily habits and go dark online for the extent of our trip.

I loved it! It was a nice change of pace for sure. Granted there were several time when I thought — ooh I should Twitter that — but the high price of phone service kept me in check.

Greg Atkinson suggested at the Church 2.0 forum that everyone should take the occassional dark day. Where Twitter, Facebook, email, txt messaging, blogs and more are ignored for an entire day.

Greg takes a full day — once a week — from the sound of it. He also suggested that if you can’t make it a full day without grabbing up your iPhone, BlackBerry or computer without going crazy — you may have a problem.

So I’m curious — do you take a dark day or week from your online communities? How often? What have you learned from it?

Or are you jonesin’ for the Internet every second of the day?

Photo from notrealistic

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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