Fruit Salad

Smiley and Shari had everyone over after church yesterday to hang out and enjoy burgers and hot dogs. We had a great time and I found a “new” fruit salad recipe to mix up to take to the event.
I’ll try and type it up from memory. I doubled the recipe and we had about half left over. The original said it was enough for 6 servings.

2 cups of diced apples (i used semi-tart green ones)
2 cups of grapes (i used seedless red grapes from H.E.B)
1 can of mandarin oranges
1 cup of crushed/broken pecans
1 tbsp of lemon juice (i used apple juice instead)
2 cup of whipped cream
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of mini-marshmallows

The lemon juice is likely used to help preserve the apples but we were out of lemons and such so I just added a little apple juice to add flavor instead.
Mix the whipped cream and sugar together and then pour it over the fruits and nuts and mix it all together. Serve immediately or refrigerate before serving.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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