Tuna/Crab Salad

Everybody sing:
“After midnight – we’re gonna let it all hang out…”
Or not. I was catching up on my blogs and Scoble sent me to Wikipedia in one of his entries and I spent a couple hours there just reading random entries. It’s like when I was younger and I used to go to my grandparents and just sit and read the encyclopedia cause there was nothing else to do.
Bad habits fade slowly. But needless to say, Jamie Cullum still rocks and I think I’m starting his DVD over for the third time now. It’s just on ALL REPEAT. Wonderful.
Oh and BTW, I made an awesome tuna/crab salad tonight for my lunch tomorrow.
Yes, I am impressed. No recipe in front of me – of course that’s where most of my favorite dishes come from anyways.
Lets see if I can remember the recipe.
1 Cup of Pecans
1 Apple (sliced with core and stem removed – naturally)
1/2 Can of White Crap Meet *EDIT* 1/2 Can of White Crab Meat *EDIT*
1 Can of Tuna
2 Boiled Egg Whites
1/4 Cup of Fat Free Ranch Dressing
Put all of the above in your local food processor, slice, dice and chomp and there you go.
I estimate the whole bit has around 250-300 calories.
Not too shabby. Sounds like a good lunch.
My doctor told me today I need to lose 48 pounds over the next two years. That’s only two pounds a month, but I’m gonna shoot for 48 pounds in a year. We’ll see how that goes. Four pounds a month can’t be too bad – except that the only time I’ve ever been successful at weight loss is when I was sick and not actually trying.
But then again – I’ve never really tried.
Here’s to a September 2006 211 weight class.
And with that – I’m off like…. well nevermind.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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