Christians in politics

A question I keep dealing with, struggling with, etc. etc., is just how involved should Christians be in politics, government and authority. Should Christians strive to take over the government and introduce laws that support all our beliefs, should we run away into the desert or is there a true third way?

NPR’s Speaking of Faith hosted a discussion between Chuck Colson, Greg Boyd, Shane Claiborne to discuss the role of Christians in government.

“The U.S. currency says ‘In God We Trust’ but our economy reeks of the seven deadly sins.” – Shane Claiborne

The show has a lot of great discussion between the three as well as additional notes and such on their website. Check out the site to listen, watch and discuss.

Fight with Tools

just found Flobots and their “new” album Fight With Tools.
very cool sound. reminds me of Jurassic 5 — with more of a social consciousness/alertness. i downloaded the album from for $8 – always a great deal with no DRM!

here are the lyrics to the first and last songs on their album…
Continue reading Fight with Tools

Gas prices expected to drop after strike ends

As our economy continues to be based more and more more on a global level, its important to realize what happens in Nigeria may not stay in Nigeria.

A recent strike in Nigeria as caused Exxon to completely shut-down production there, hurting the balance between supply and demand world-wide. But now it looks like the striking workers requests may have been solved and oil production can continue.

Also, recent attacks on oil refineries have also led to a reduction in overall oil production.
Continue reading Gas prices expected to drop after strike ends

Constitution Party Nominates Baldwin

Via email and Chalcedon Blog:

The Constitution Party has settled on a presidential nominee, and it won’t be Alan Keyes. According to an April 26 press release, the Constitution Party has nominated Chuck Baldwin of Florida, a Baptist pastor and radio talk show host.

Baldwin, to my delight, is joining the chorus begun by Congressman Ron Paul denouncing the immoral U.S. wars in the Middle East while declaring war on the “New World Order.” If this equates to awakening more conservative Christians to the error of supporting the present American system, then I’m glad to see it.

As I’ve stated repeatedly concerning the Ron Paul campaign, the real value in this election is education. There is no more important objective than to unplug conservative Christians from the Matrix of Republican statism; and without the Religious Right, the GOP is hopeless–with the exception of conservative Christians rallying behind Dr. Paul. To that end, I do hope the Constitution Party understands the priority of this educational mission and will use Baldwin’s nomination to gain ground in that area. Chuck has dedicated himself to alerting Christians to the present threats to our national sovereignty, so I’m hopeful he’ll continue with that thesis in this election.

My point is that we should be concerned as much for future elections as we are the 2008 presidential race. Therefore, the future belongs to those that can build a sizable constituency, not those that can produce a candidate. As Ron Paul’s campaign has demonstrated: what’s the true value in a great candidate, if he has no widespread support? In the case of Ron Paul, the value lies in his ability to create the grassroots of a future mass constituency of freedom-loving conservatives determined to reverse the course of imperialism. That’s why the Ron Paul campaign already represents the single greatest political victory in the last 100 years. Not because he won a nomination, because he hasn’t. What Dr. Paul has achieved is the creation of a new (or old) type of American citizen. He’s launched a new political constituency that is radically motivated, and therefore, will only grow as the U.S. crises deepen. In short, if you thought 2008 was a ride, wait until you see 2012 when the new constitutional conservatives number in the millions.

Lastly, as Doug Phillips recently noted: “The nomination of Chuck Baldwin means that Christians have the option of voting for a biblically qualified, God-fearing, Constitutionally informed and committed candidate for President.” I concur. In the likelihood that Dr. Paul is unable to secure the GOP nomination, Christians will still have an opportunity to vote their conscience, and rest in the fact that they used their vote to support the Scriptural definition of a godly leader:

The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. 2 Samuel 23:3

Still don’t know what I’ll do in November. Don’t know much about this guy so we’ll just see.