Free 411 service

Still paying your phone company for operator assistance.
Stop giving them extra money and use Goog-411.
Call 1-800-Goog-411 and get information and be connected for free through Google.
I’ve been using a similar service through text messaging for several years now. Love it.
But now I can call and use voice prompts instead.
Very nice.

Govt. officials hope to block access to maps

As someone who works with GIS in my job, this story in particular caught my attention this morning.
It seems that some local and state entities around the country are trying to block the publics access to GIS maps, siting security reasons.
From NPR:

With Google Earth and GPS, people have grown accustomed to online maps of whatever they’re searching for. But the boom in digital mapping has run into an obstacle. Some government officials are refusing to release electronic maps of what they call “critical infrastructure,” such as water mains and fire hydrants.

There’s so much great information out there to help the general user/member of the public yet there are those in power who are doing all they can to hold on to that information and squash the open sharing of knowledge. Frustrating to say the least.
If I could only get my GIS information to convert to the correct file formats for my GPS unit we’d really be in business – but that may still be a ways off.
Listen to the full story online

Stretching for energy

Dumb Little Man has some tips on stretches to do when your afternoon starts dragging on.
1. Touch the Sky.
2. Side Stretch.
3. Touch Your Toes.
4. Shoulder Opener.
5. Twirl ‘Em.
6. Loosen Your Neck.
7. Arm Stretch.
8. Arm Circles.
9. Seated Twist.
10. Quad Stretch and Balance.
11. Hip Opener.
12. Seated Back Bend.
Check the site for more information. Any other ideas for getting an added burst of energy in the afternoon or morning?

Hat tip to Lifehacker for the link

10 ways to be a better listener

I shared this with our community 2.0 group leaders and thought it was worth sharing with everyone. We can probably all use a lesson in listening from time to time.

10 Ways to be a Better Listener

Listening is a crucial skill for small-group leaders to master. Here are ten practical tips for improving our listening habits.

1. Be quiet. This should be obvious, but it often is the biggest obstruction to listening. The leader should be part of a discussion without monopolizing it.

2. Try to understand. The goal of listening is to understand what the person is really saying.

3. Eliminate distractions. People feel comfortable sharing when they are not interrupted. Turn the ringer off on the phone. Make sure you have child care arranged. Don’t look at your watch or lesson plan when someone is speaking.

4. Empathize. Interject short statements to show you understand and accept what the person is saying. “That sounds exciting!” or “That must have been a hard decision to make” are good examples of how to show empathy.

5. Don’t judge. Especially when someone is already hurting, a judgmental attitude can do more harm than good. Don’t condone sin, of course, but recognize the difference between acceptance and approval.

6. Avoid advising. Unless they ask for it, people usually do not want or need you to try to solve their problem. They just need someone to listen.

7. Verify and clarify. If you don’t understand what someone is saying, ask. “Here’s what I hear you saying. Am I right?” is one good clarifier.

8. Listen for what is not said. Try to hear the meaning behind the words. Watch body language and listen to tone of voice. Sometimes what a person is saying is lost behind a clutter of words.

9. Watch body language. Sometimes a person’s posture or gestures can say more than words.

10. Affirm. “Thanks for sharing that. I’m sure it isn’t easy to talk about right now.” This builds acceptance for talking about difficult things and makes it easier for someone else to share.

Taken from Small Group Dynamics ezine article: “10 Ways to be a Better Listener,” August, 2007, by Michael Mack.

Beef – it’s what I want for dinner (or How to Turn Cheap “Choice” Steaks into Gucci “Prime” Steaks)

Lifehacker posted a link to Jaden’s Steamy Kitchen and her tips on how to get a prime steak out of a choice steak.
Here’s the tip. Salt salt and more salt.

Read what she writes. Wonder if I can get some steak for dinner tonight.