Golden Rule
Originally uploaded by thePLOWblog
Category: faith
53/365 – illumination
Originally uploaded by Jonathan D. Blundell
Brian began a new series today about illumination. where does your light shine? or does it? really enjoyed it – and like usual it was challenging. I hope my life-light is shining as I think it is.
1 John 1:5-7
This, in essence, is the message we heard from Christ and are passing on to you: God is light, pure light; there’s not a trace of darkness in him.
If we claim that we experience a shared life with him and continue to stumble around in the dark, we’re obviously lying through our teeth—we’re not living what we claim. But if we walk in the light, God himself being the light, we also experience a shared life with one another, as the sacrificed blood of Jesus, God’s Son, purges all our sin.
U2 – Stand Up Comedy
Loving this song…
“Stand Up Comedy” – U2
Love love love love love
Love love love love love
I got to stand up and take a step
You and I have been asleep for hours
I got to stand up
The wire is stretched
In between our two towers
Stand up in this dizzy world
Where a lovesick eye can steal the view
I’m gonna fall down if I can’t stand up
For your love
Love love love love love
Stand up, this is comedy
The DNA lotto may have left you smart
But can you stand up to beauty
Dictator of the heart
I can stand up for hope, faith, love
But while I’m getting over certainty
Stop helping God across the road like a little old lady
Oh, oh
Out from under your beds
C’mon, ye people
Stand up for your love
Love love love love love
Love love love love love
I gotta stand up to ego but my ego’s not really the enemy
It’s like a small child crossing an eight lane highway
On a voyage of discovery
Stand up to rock stars
Napolean is in high heels
Josephine, be careful
Of small men with big ideas
Oh, oh
Out from under your beds
C’mon, ye people
Stand up for your love
Love love love love love
Love love love love love
God is love
And love is evolution’s very best day
Soul rockin’ people moving on
Soul rockin’ people on and on
C’mon, ye people
We’re made of stars
C’mon, ye people
Stand up then sit down for your love
Love love love love love
Love love love love love
Love love love love love
Love love love love love
(HT @u2)
See all the lyrics from the new album.
Pre-order No Line on the Horizon (and support your favorite blogger :-)).
Ubuntu community of faith
I think Ubuntu would be a great name for a community of faith:
A community with Ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed.
HT the corner
The Hero within
Sunday we talked about becoming Jesus to our neighborhoods and what that might look like and how it might change our neighbors and neighborhood. And we talked about how even the smallest things can have the greatest impact.
I received an email afterwards from someone who explained how it was all the “little things” people had done recently for them that made a world of difference in their life.
I also heard from someone who said he wants to put a “prayer box” at the end of his driveway for his neighbors to share their needs with one another.
I’m excited to think of all the small things we can do for one another that can change the world for each person. “You may not be able to change the world, but you can change the world for one person.”
I love that no matter what your skills are, or talents, or passions are, God can help you find that “hero within” and use you to impact countless people around you.
Kinda like Carlos…
(HT Mosaic and Eric Bryant)
note: I’ve had some problems with the CD from Sunday. it may not have been finalized or recorded completely. hopefully I can get that fixed next Sunday and share audio from Sunday morning for those who’ve asked for it.
Peppermint Filled Pinatas
I’m currently listening to the audio book version of “Peppermint Filled Pinatas.”
Some really good stuff in there!
The author just told a story (in chapter 3) about a 16-year-old girl who invited him and his wife to her birthday party at a skating rink. They reluctantly decided to come and brought a few teenagers along with them. Turns out other than a few members of the girls family, they were the only ones to come to the party and stay.
A couple weeks later, the mother of the girl, who had been against her daughter being a part of a church showed up at the church and wanted to become a follower of Christ.
Her reason, she said she changed her mind after the author and his wife showed up at the birthday party.
“Now if we get an invitation and it happens to be the night of our small group not only do we miss the small group, but we invite our small group to join us. We need to say ‘No’ more often to our business so that we can create room for spontaneous adventures with others.”
That’s hard for me to swallow. I tend to see my small group as “my ministry” or “my calling.” I tend to get really frustrated when people who know I have small group on a particular night of the week make plans during that time and expect me to forgo our small group in favor of their event.
Perhaps there’s still a whole lot more that I need to surrender!
Let go and let God!
Thoughts? Anyone else struggle with this?