Skye Jethani :: Where does our legitimacy come from?

One of my favorite videos from #thenines ::

Skye Jethani asks, “Where does our legitimacy (in ministry and leadership) come from?”

So many good points. So worth the nine minutes.
Continue reading Skye Jethani :: Where does our legitimacy come from?

Notes from #thenines

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Tomorrow I’ll be sharing another video from #thenines — from author Sky Jethani.

Pure greatness! Be sure and look for it and watch it. It’s worth all nine minutes.

But in the meantime, I thought I’d share my notes from the event — in their raw form.

I thought about cleaning them up some but instead, I just made a quick PDF and decided to share them as-is, with no warranties or guarantees implied.

Download the notes (PDF)

View my Twitter stream from the event.

Read the Bible in 90 Days #B90X


So, I heard about a CRAZY idea while watching #thenines last week.

Someone has the audacity to think they can read through the entire Bible in 90 days! 90!

I have trouble reading through it in a year. (I even tried again this year and didn’t make it past January.)
Continue reading Read the Bible in 90 Days #B90X

Sept. 11, 2009 #justicefriday

He will judge between the nations
and will settle disputes for many peoples.
They will beat their swords into plowshares
and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation will not take up sword against nation,
nor will they train for war anymore.

isaiah 2:4

Remembering those who have lost their lives in the name of redemptive violence — all around the world.

May we become a people who seek creative alternatives to violence — surrendering our rights to retaliate.

And may we seek the Pax Dei, rather than the Pax Romana or Pax Americana (aka peace through war).

7 is greater than 1

On Wednesday morning for the last couple years, I’ve been meeting with a group of great guys for conversation about life and God at our local Whataburger. The group’s mainly been led by Brian, our pastor, but with the continued growth, we decided to split the group and host two groups — one in Waxahachie at Chick-Fil-A and the other at our original location in Red Oak.

This week I asked the other two guys (our numbers have dropped since the split :-)) what their church would look like if they removed all their prejudices from the past and started with nothing but their knowledge of Scripture and a blank sheet of paper.
Continue reading 7 is greater than 1

Alan Hirsch shares during #thenines

Enjoyed listening in on #thenines today (put on by Hopefully you all didn’t mind my flood of Twitter updates.

The whole basis of the idea is 70+ leaders were asked, “What would you tell the church leaders of America in only nine minutes.”
Continue reading Alan Hirsch shares during #thenines