“Official” notes from #thenines

#thenines logo

The videos aren’t out yet, but you can now get a copy of the “official” notes from #thenines thanks to Leadership Network and Catalyst.

Download the notes.

If I’m not mistaken, these were the notes that ran alongside the videos as they played.

And according to today’s email update:

…watch THE SHOW next Tuesday, September 29 to find out where and when they’ll release all the videos. If you like, they’ll even send you a reminder so you won’t forget to watch.

Help the Joneses

tallskinnykiwi singing

A friend of our podcast, Andrew Jones, has put out a call for help and I hope you’ll take a couple minutes to read and respond.

Just a little bit of background in case you haven’t listened to his chat on our podcast yet…

The Jones family is traveling the world in their truck, exploring the world that God loves and seeking to bring real transformation and change. They have just visited 12 countries, hosting leadership training events, encouraging social enterprises, and supporting missional entrepreneurs in a sustainable and effective way.

Its been an incredible time but the financial crunch has caused a number of funders to drop out and now the funds are depleted, just as they head south and east towards the next 25 countries.

The Joneses need to raise $30,000 by the end of the year but the urgent need is $5000 for visas, diesel, ferry and plane tickets that are needed immediately. Can you help them by supporting them financially or by spreading the word?
Continue reading Help the Joneses

Help a friend beat foreclosure

American Dream, after Grant Wood

UPDATE: I’ve updated the links to Paypal to help track the money coming in easier.

This morning, I sent out a cry for help via Twitter and Facebook ::

Close friend found out home will be foreclosed on Nov 1. Wonder if 450 peeps would donate $10 to cover their deficit…

Need 450 peeps to donate $10 to help friends from losing their house :: http://bit.ly/55Ilf // Please RT

Continue reading Help a friend beat foreclosure

Greg Russinger at The Idea Camp #icdc #justicefriday

For #justicefriday ::

Lots of good stuff in there. Well worth the 25 minutes.

You can read my notes from watching it the first time.

What’d you think? What notes did you take? How will you take these ideas and apply them in your community?

#B90X Day 1 notes

So I’ve begun my #B90X challenge – reading the Bible in 90 days.

I finished day 2 this morning. It’s actually going quite well — I think. I’m using the TNIV version to read with right now, and a copy of it without chapter and verse references, which makes the reading so much easier — more like a novel. The readings seem to take about 45 minutes so far.

So here are some of my notes, questions that came up in Day 1. I’ll try and post these on a regular basis, but I make no promises.
Continue reading #B90X Day 1 notes