Buy our house video podcast (episode 2)

Well, I’m not sure our first episode of “Buy our house” should be considered a “success.”

We had 18 views on YouTube and 22 views on Vimeo (plus however many viewed it on Facebook).

Either way, we bring you episode 2 (with some odd audio sync problems)! We show off the new dining room table look as well as our painted garage and now emptier master closet. And I don’t want to leave out the great job Laurie did cleaning the oven!

It’s been an interesting week. We didn’t have any calls or viewings to speak of but we did have a group of realtors take a tour on Thursday.

They all seemed to like the house. Loved Laurie’s paint scheme. But they also offered several critiques, including the pricing was a bit aggressive, the garage should be painted (to help justify the cost) and the dog barked a lot (expected since she was in her crate with 8 strangers walking through her house :-)).

They also mentioned a couple minor things, like de-personalize the house (remove personal photos where possible) and clear out the master closest.

So with our fresh reports, we went to work. We 3 bags of t-shirts and other clothes I haven’t worn in a while to the local homeless shelter, removed a number of photos and then Friday and Saturday we went to work painting the garage.

And as luck would have it, with all that done by 1 a.m. Sunday morning, we had our first viewing Sunday afternoon.

No word yet on if they liked the house, but we’re keeping our fingers crossed that they make an offer.

On a related note, it’s been interesting to track the visits and clicks on the main page we’ve set up sharing info about the house.

According to, 78 people have clicked on the link I’ve shared four different times throughout the week on Twitter and Facebook.

The sources (how people found the link) break down like this:

  • Email Clients, IM, AIR Apps, and Direct 44
  • 18
  • 7
  • Registered Applications 6
  • Seesmic Desktop 1
  • TweetDeck 5
  • 2
  • 1

Not amazing numbers, but hopefully those are 78 people who wouldn’t have otherwise seen that our house was for sale — and hopefully 78 people that know someone who’s in the market for a new house.

So that’s where we’re at. Still hoping and praying someone will stop by and make a great offer on the house — and just tweaking things here and there and making videos about it until then.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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