37 things people are saying about God

Face detail of God by Michelangelo. | Photo via WikiCommons - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Creation_of_the_Sun_and_Moon_face_detail.jpg

I did a random search for “God” on Twitter last week. Interesting to see how many different mentions he gets at any given point online…

Here are just a random sampling of what folks are saying about “God” on Twitter…

Oh God. Cook County Sheriff was just here and I JUST missed an obstruction of justice charge. Ugh. Rules and Policies, you don’t work.

You are blessed if you are too busy to worry by day and too sleepy to worry by night. God gives sleep to His beloved.

Oh dear god… these little people are so depressing! this is meant to be full of funnies… they aren’t there on my tv to depress me

God, we’re all so empty yet so fulfilled.

Oh god.. I still have the skills, but the fitness has mysteriously disappeared! 🙁 Still, 3 wins from 3 😀 What did I miss in twitterland?

Your future doesn’t die when people leave your side…. If our source of survival relied on the people around us why would we need God?

RT @ozarkaa: ” God send me an angel from the heavens above , send me an Angel to heal my broken heart from being in love ”

RT @PleasureEllis: Thinking about Life 🙂 God is good!!

God, grant me the patience and understanding on multi-billion dollar banks that make middle class people jump through hoops

At what point should God not allow us to choose evil?

Everytime U feel emotion well up within U, stop Urself from reacting and ask God how He feels about the situation before moving on.

Godly Coversations Happen when you pray with God instead of to him.. #GrowingPains

The presence of God covers things and exposes things……

Life is bigger than us let people see your heart and see that there are people out here who care and love because God is love.

“God Gave Rock ‘n Roll to You.” So much I disagree about that statement and that song but “Bill and Ted” was a good way to say bye to today.

“@BillCahusac: Fantastic time @HTBChurch this evening. 100’s of people gathered to worship God & pray.sense momentum is building!” Amen!

I may be BENT, but not BROKEN, everything happens for a REASON. Because if GOD brings you to it, HE will bring you through it.

Going do some homework….then off to bed….WISH ME GOOD LUCK LADS..results tomorrow..god help me <3 [twitter]CameronMcDonald[/twitter] 11months ago, I met @SusannahHelmore at @bigexoday! She is now my fiance! U never know what God will do if u come this Saturday! #Godhookups [twitter]BigBikesThom[/twitter] Unless somebody initiates an intervention, I swear to god I am going to go up to the vending machine and get a Mt. Dew. #extreme! [twitter]SavedByGrace38[/twitter] A #relationship with GOD on the other hand is different because his strength is made perfect in my weakness & therefore can't fail! [twitter]VanessaHaleLA[/twitter] bahahaha “@NegativeNatalie: oh my god. this story just made my day - baaaahahahahah IDIOT! blogs.laweekly.com/informer/2011/…” [twitter]KerriAK[/twitter] And...God welcomed his angel today. I'm gonna miss Larry, and my girls will miss their grandpa. Thanks for all the prayers & love. [twitter]RDavidMacNeil[/twitter] When God asks what you've done with your life, try not to say "Didn't you read my tweets?" 😉 [twitter]ameliarprophets[/twitter] I am also now the proud owner of £40. I also owe my step dad god knows how much money for my contract. & need to book alot more tickets. [twitter]BugSy317[/twitter] And God Said He Should Send His One Begotten Son to Lead the Wild Into the Ways of the Man [twitter]THE_BREAKAWAY[/twitter] I give all the Credit to God cause in the end he walked out and came back and said can I call u sometime when I need advice Sure anytime. [twitter]LilTunechi[/twitter] Remembering those we lost on this unforgettable day. God bless their families and may their souls rest in peace. [twitter]LatoshaGJohnson[/twitter] When you have GOD walking on side you WHY CARE who's walking behind you! [twitter]Mista_Anderson[/twitter] GOD, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change/Courage to change the things I can/And wisdom to know the difference. [twitter]JoeMyGod[/twitter] RT @tperkins: Praise God, the NC Senate voted today to give citizens there the chance to vote on marriage /U can get the KKK to do ur GOTV! [twitter]hookersforjesus[/twitter] Your life is NOT over & your dreams are NOT dead! Just because it LOOKS bad doesn't mean it's the end. God hasn't given up on you! #dontquit [twitter]DeionSanders[/twitter] God knows how to put things in perspective in a hurry. Stay strong out there help is on the way. God knows what u can handle! Let's do this! [twitter]TupacShakurPage[/twitter] So right before I sleep, dear God, what I'm asking / Remember this face, save me a place, in Thug's Mansion.. - RIP Tupac [twitter]mrtonylewisjr[/twitter] God has truly blessed me with the ability to connect, I am eternally grateful [twitter]ihatequotes[/twitter] Remember one thing, God is never angry to you. He is just disappointed or proud of you, but He loves you. #ihatequotes [twitter]CHAS_siddidy[/twitter] God works in mysterious ways! Any one message stick out? Anything you can identify with?

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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