100 Things – about me

No, this isn’t a continuation of the 100 Things We Love About Ellis County series… though it may well could be.
I stole this from Sara so now lets see if I can actually do it… 100 things about me.

1. I’m married to Laurie Janine Blundell
2. I’m named after both of my grandfathers
3. I grew up in Pleasant Grove (Dallas) Texas
4. When no one’s looking I “bodyrock” to Moby, Beastie Boys, LA Symphony or anything else that suits my fancy
5. I’m the program director for an online radio station
6. I’d love to one day make OrangeNoiseRadio a full scale terrestrial or satellite radio station
7. I’d love to live on 20 or more acres with my family someday
8. I head up the community (small groups) ministry at my church
9. I really love my church and the people there
10. I drive a Chevy truck
11. I drink to many Low Carb Monsters
12. I think spending more than $2 on a coffee is ridiculous – yet I do it anyways
13. I love a good glass of Johnny Walker
14. I love a good glass of Tito’s Vodka
15. I love a good cigar
16. Somedays I really miss my dogs Payton and Precious
17. I have two sisters
18. I have three brothers-in-law
19. Right now I’m listening to Johnny Cash “God’s Gonna Cut You Down”
20. I blog something almost everyday
21. I used to be the editor of a newspaper
22. I’ve interviewed Willie Nelson, Chris Bell, Gov. Rick Perry, State Comptroller Susan Combs, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, Jars of Clay, Sonicflood, Shaded Red, Seventh Day Slumber as well as other random state and federal officials
23. I’ve worked with Shaded Red, Big Daddy Weave, Sonicflood, MercyMe, Jennifer Knapp, Wayne Watson and Smalltown Poets
24. Shaded Red, Big Daddy Weave and Wayne Watson were probably my favorites
25. I’ve met Morgan Freeman, Troy Aikman, Emmitt Smith, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker
26. I’ve spent part of an afternoon hanging out with WWE Superstar Shawn Michaels in a dressing room in Knoxville, TN
27. I’d rather spend an afternoon with my wife than any of the above
28. I got a new dog, Presley, when I married Laurie
29. I just bought a new bike
30. I’d love to own a Harley Davidson some day
31. U2 is my favorite band
32. The West Wing is my favorite TV show
33. The Office comes in closely behind
34. We also record Scrubs, Studio 60, Little People Big World and 30 Rock on our DVR
35. I’m glad we have DirecTV but I hate paying for it
36. Laurie records What Not to Wear and I somehow get caught watching it with her
37. I think I would be happiest working for with media and ministry together
38. I don’t think I’ve ever really been perfectly content or happy with any of my jobs
39. I want to make enough money that Laurie can stay home – especially when we have kids
40. I want 2-3 kids
41. Laurie and I both had the same name picked out for our son – before we went on our first date
42. That’s really creepy
43. Laurie and I used to hang out at the same Chick-Fil-A every Wednesday night and we never spoke to each other
44. She thought I was “one of those annoying guys who’s at Chick-Fil-A every Wednesday night
45. Before we met, I visited Laurie’s Sunday School class several times before we met and we were never introduced
46. Our parents go to the same church and we were never introduced
47. I’m really glad God brought us together when He did
48. I’ve been known to kick or hit Laurie in the middle of the night when I roll over
49. I tend to snore when I’m laying on my back
50. I hate that I snore but I don’t want to pay $600 for a sleep study test
51. I sometimes swear more than I should
52. Sometimes you just need to swear
53. My younger sisters taught me that
54. Swearing at friends out of the blue can be funny
55. I truly believe God’s grace is amazing
56. I can’t wait to get to heaven
57. But I’m in no rush to get there
58. I almost skipped 30 or so number by typing 85
59. I miss my sister Amy
60. I’d love to have a Tempur-Pedic mattress for our king size bed
61. I work for Ellis County
62. My title is Road Worker #6
63. I’ve never worked with hot mix or asphalt
64. Last week I helped the road crew with flag duty
65. No matter how slow they may be going, a cement truck driving right next to you, while you’re standing on the side of the road, is going too fast
66. Some old ladies drive too fast through a construction zone as well
67. There’s a lot of time for thinking while you’re working flag duty
68. I try to drink at least a liter of water every day
69. I don’t too to good on Saturdays or Sundays
70. I considered going to Iraq as an embedded journalist with the 4th ID
71. I wouldn’t have been able to carry a gun with me
72. That had a lot to do with my decision to stay home
73. I spent two weeks in Nigeria last year
74. Everyone should spend at least two weeks in a poverty stricken country at least once in their life time
75. I hope I can go back some day and take Laurie with me
76. Laurie and I want to go to Russia on a mission trip
77. I’d love to be a world traveler
78. Between me and my sisters, we’ve been to all but two continents – South America and Antartica
79. My mom has never been out of the country
80. My dad went to Korea with Campus Crusade for Christ
81. My parents met while my dad was in Dallas with Campus Crusade
82. My dad proposed after they went to a Bill Gather concert on Valentines Day
83. I proposed to Laurie at White Rock Lake
84. That was not my original plan – but I’m really glad I did it there
85. She was slightly medicated at the time
86. I felt like throwing up all morning long before I proposed
87. My best friend Matt almost gave it away when he wasn’t hiding after we drove up
88. I’m glad Laurie was slightly medicated and didn’t see him
89. Two of my cousins had a shot of “medicine” before their weddings
90. I was promised a shot before my wedding but it never came
91. I didn’t need it – I wasn’t a bit nervous on that day
92. When picking a soft drink out at the store I will often base my decision on which bottle has a contest on the label or under the lid
93. I subscribe to 94 blogs/RSS feeds
94. My wife’s blog is my favorite
95. I’ve just finished drinking one liter of water today
96. I’m now listening to U2 “When Love Came to Town”
97. I just got a big craving for BBQ
98. Cyclones BBQ outside Temple, Texas may be my favorite BBQ restaurant
99. Taqueria #3 in Belton is one of my favorite Mexican Restaurants
100. Campuzanos in Waxahachie comes in as #2

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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