Fall TV line up

This probably goes without saying, but I am a little excited about this falls TV line up. Not only because I have to put up with horrible daytime TV all day long and when 7:00 rolls around I’m so ready for prime time TV, but because some of my favorite shows are back for a new season. Here are some of my favorite shows I’m looking forward to this season.


House (ch. 4 Fox) – I’ve watched this show for years, I love the diagnostic aspect of the “medical drama”. Even though most of the show is unrealistic, its still good!

Quints By Surprise
(TLC) – So this one isn’t technically “Prime Time” TV since it’s on a cable network but I like it. It premiered a few weeks ago and is similar to the old seasons of John and Kate Plus 8, but better! She’s not rude or degrading to her husband and he actually helps out. The show is about a couple from Austin, TX (maybe that’s why we like them, they are Texans) who have an older daughter, I think 6 or 7, and then have a set of quintuplets. If you haven’t seen it, you should try to catch it sometime.


The Biggest Loser (Ch. 5 NBC) – Another one of those reality TV shows, but this one is different because people are actually changing their lives. Its amazing to see how they transform their bodies and what they look like at the end of the season. The only thing is (and I don’t know why) but I usually end up eating a bowl of ice cream while watching this show. It’s typically the only time I eat ice cream (well at home), hmmm.

Glee (Ch. 4 Fox) – This is a new show that I have started watching. It’s basically a musical turned TV show. I’m not necessarily hooked on this show, its just good and if I catch it then great.

Parenthood (Ch. 5 NBC) – This is a show that premiered last season and Jonathan and I have both started watching it. It puts a funny spin on family and parenthood.


Let’s face it, there is absolutely nothing on Wednesdays to watch. This is when I catch up on all the shows that I wasn’t able to watch earlier in the week or later the week before that are recorded on our DVR.

Thursday: AKA, my medical soaps night and the one night of the week that between 8:00-10:00 you don’t disturb me. So basically Jonathan will become a single parent between these hours on Thursday nights! Ok, I may feed one of the boys if they are just that hungry, I’m not that mean. 😉

The Office (Ch. 5 NBC) – This show is kind of a hit or miss with me. Overall I love the show, it’s funny, but there are episodes that are just plain dumb. This is the final season with Michael (Steve Carrell) and it will be interesting to see how they write him off the show. It will also be interesting to see how the show continues without him next season…it could either do great or be a complete flop.

Grey’s Anatomy (Ch. 8 ABC) – I am stoked that this show is coming back on next week!! I can’t wait to see what all happens after the season finale last season. This is my take on what happened last season. So at the beginning of the season they bring in basically a whole new cast and the viewers didn’t really like the new characters so what do they do, get rid of them and kill them all off. There are a few of the new characters that were some viewer favorites and they kept them. It will be interesting to see what happens next!!

Private Practice (Ch. 8 ABC) – This spin off of Grey’s Anatomy has become a hit and one of my top favorite shows. The season finale last season was intense and they killed off one of the main characters. I was shocked but last season was the season of killing off characters from shows…it seems that every show I watched killed off at least one person, geeze. A lot is going to change at Oceanside Wellness this season, tune in and find out what, I know I am!

I can’t wait for Monday night to get here!!

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