32 week OB appointment & BPP

We had our biophysical profile (BPP) at the perinatologist’s office and 32 week OB appointment this past Friday. The BPP was quick and easy, well for me…poor Baby A had to be “tasered”, as I call it. He didn’t want to move much and was being a bit lazy so the sonographer had to buzz him with her buzzer. It’s just a little handheld vibrator with a buzzer on it and it wakes them up. The poor baby got scared and jumped like crazy…It was pretty amusing actually. Everything looked good though, both babies amniotic fluid level, the cord blood flow, their heart rates, movement and such were all good. Baby A (Hayden) is still head down and ready to go, while Baby B (Ian) is breech again and curled up in a little ball up by my ribcage with his legs up by his head…he’s going to be my gymnast. Baby A had one or more of his fingers in his mouth when they were doing the sonogram so he may be our thumb/finger sucker. I will go back to the perinatologist this coming Friday for another BPP and our monthly growth scan.

As far as my OB visit went, all was good as well. My cervix has shortened a little bit but still nothing to cause me to go into labor yet. Baby A was actually cooperating for my OB when she did the sonogram and you could actually see him “breathing” and Baby B had the hiccups.

We did talk about when we may do a c-section (assuming I make it to a scheduled date). Twins are considered full term at 37 weeks and because of that, in the past she said we would schedule a c-section at 37 weeks. Well apparently Baylor, not my OB (she just delivers at Baylor), has a rule that you can’t schedule a c-section until 39 weeks…ya, 39 weeks, that’s just crazy. She has argued and gone back and forth with them about it but she said she was going to talk to the head of L&D again this weekend. She said the way to get around their rule is to have an amnio done to get lung maturity of the babies and if they are mature (which they should be by then) we can schedule the c-section. So if I make it to 37 weeks then she will probably have the perinatologist do the amnio. We’ll just have to wait and see and we may not even have to worry about it because 60% of twins come at 37 weeks or before. Since I am seeing the perinatologist this week, I’ll wait and see her again the following week, at 34 weeks, and then I”ll start seeing her weekly and she will be doing the BPP each week, then the growth scan every 3 weeks with the peri until they arrive.

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