Presley’s Fun Afternoon

Presley's Big Day Out

Saturday we decided– and when I say we, I really mean I–to take Presley to the dog park at White Rock Lake because she had a vet appointment around the corner from there. She pretty much just sniffed the entire perimeter of the gate instead of playing with the other dogs or even chasing a ball. Maybe she’s an S personality..hmmm…anyway, I think she had fun but then ready to leave when we left. She didn’t have as much fun at the vet but she did good. I chose the vet I take her to because one, I adopted her from there so they know her, but also because all the vets there are females and Presley doesn’t necessarily like males. But since she has been there they hired a male vet–what were they thinking…and of course the only vet there on Saturday was the male vet…so she started barking at him when he walked in the door. The barking didn’t last long though and she was fine. After the vet she got a bath! Presley doesn’t like baths and I hate giving her a bath, mainly because I don’t like having to clean the tub afterwards. After all that we came home because Presley was pretty pooped, and we were too..then had Tim and Kara and Josh and Shalyn over for dinner. It was a fun, long day!

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