
It’s 2:00am as I type this, why am I still up??? I am asking the same thing. This happened last night too, I just can’t fall asleep, I’ve tried–I just lay there. I was wondering what could be keeping me up, my mind isn’t going everywhere and I’m not thinking of a bazillion things, I haven’t had any caffeine, we just recently doubled my cardiac meds, but I have been on that for a little while so my body should be used to the adjustment, so that’s not it. I don’t know! Then I remembered that I just switched to the generic instead of brand medication…and then read tonight that can cause “trouble sleeping” until your body gets used to it–NO JOKE!! I hope I get used to it pretty soon! So I’m thinking of things I could do when I should be sleeping and I only came up with two- organize all the loose papers in the office or work on my photo for the day for the project 365 on Flickr, since it is a new day already. Hmmm, well I’m off to do something, other than sleep apparently.

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