The Holidays

So this is waaaay over due but it’s been a little hard to get stuff done around here lately. With both of us back at work now, we’re a little more tired than we were before and when we are at home with the boys we don’t want to spend out time online. The boys are also more aware of things and take up a lot of our time, imagine that, huh?!

Anyway here is a wrap up of the holidays with our new little family. We’ll start with Thanksgiving since I didn’t ever post anything about it – ha.

First Thanksgiving

We had lunch with Jonathan’s family on Thanksgiving and introduced the boys to his side of the family. We ended up meeting his aunt, uncle and cousins for lunch the weekend after Thanksgiving and unfortunately I didn’t get any pictures, can you believe that?

After lunch we went over to my parents house for dinner. All of my family was there and my cousin finally go to meet the boys for the first time.

Danielle with Ian

We had a great time with everyone and maybe next year they’ll be a little more aware of what’s going on.

Happy thanksgiving from the Blundell Family

Next up, Christmas…

We went to the Christmas Eve service at my parents church, like we do every year, and then went back to my parents house for a little while before heading home for the night.

jake at the Christmas Eve service

Their Christmas Eve attire - 'all mommy wants for Christmas is a Silent Night'

We woke up on Christmas morning and realized this will probably be the only Christmas in a while that we’ll be waking the boys up the morning of (maybe next year). Santa had visited over night so we woke them up so they can see what he brought them and open up some presents from us.

seeing what's in their stockings

opening their presents

Don’t they looked thrilled…

Jonathan’s parents, sister and brother in law came over for breakfast and we spent some time with them that morning. I don’t know what happened but the pictures we took that morning are gone from my SD card. I turned all the blog posts I wrote about my pregnancy into a book and we gave both grandparents the book for Christmas. Of course the grandmothers were very excited about it and I wish I had the picture of Margie opening hers, priceless!

We were able to sneak in a “photo shoot” of the boys in their elf outfits…haha, they will proably kill me in years to come for this…

First Christmas

Hayden the elf - haha

Ian the elf

We went over to my parents house for lunch and Jonathan’s parents came over to join us as well.

the grandparents with the boys

The kids got to open their gifts up first since we figured they would go play with what they got and let us open ours in piece!



Jonathan and my dad

Brian and Stephanie (soon to be Mr. and Mrs.)

Brad and Hayden

my mom opening the book

Jennifer and my aunt Gwen


I would say the boys had a good first Christmas, but next year will be even better because they will know (kind of) what is going on. They may be more interested in the boxes their presents come in but they will be more aware of things and not sleep through it all.

Their two favorite gifts were from their grandparents. Their musical glow seahorse (what used to be a glow worm when we were kids) and their taggies. A taggie is a little blanket, or lovie, that has all kinds of different tags on it that they can hold onto. At the end of the day, they were worn out little dudes.

Hayden sleeping next to his seahorse

tired little dudes, holding onto their taggies

We were all worn out at the end of the day and ready for a good nights rest. We realized that everyone got pictures that they wanted taken throughout the day, except up. We didn’t get one picture of the 4 of us on Christmas!

We ended the holiday season with New Years Eve and New Years Day. NYE was pretty much like any other night for us. My parents were able to watch the boys for a few hours while we went to dinner and a movie. Then they went home and watched my niece and nephew. The rest of the night was pretty calm at our house, the way I like it! The four of us just hung out and said happy new year to each other. That was just the way I wanted to bring in the new year, with the love of my life and our two new little loves!

Of course we had a new years day “photo shoot” and I’ve already posted the best pictures from that day of the two little ones, so I won’t do it again.

New Years Day happens to be my dad’s birthday as well so we always have a Birthday get together for him on New Years Day. This is one day I look forwards to every year! We have always spent it with the Medlin family but this year there were other things to consider with someone having surgery and the boys still being a little young to get them out and take them anywhere that’s longer than a 30 min drive, it just didn’t happen, but hopefully next year we can all get back together.

Daddy opening his birthday gifts

My family came over to our house and we ate some lunch and celebrated my dad’s birthday. And of course watch the TCU game since my mom and Brad went to TCU and Jake wants to play football for TCU. Jake was all about watching the football game, he had been looking forward to it for weeks.

Jake rooting on the frogs

Ian even showed his support for the Frogs…

Ian shows his support

While they watched the football game, those of us not too interested in the game played some cards.

Stephanie finally got to hold one of the boys.

Stephanie and Ian

Later that evening my mom made a toast for my dad’s birthday and for a great year in 2011…A lot is going to happen this coming year!

Momma giving a toast


We all had a good and tiring day. My dad (Papa) ended it snuggling with one of the boys, which is one of his favorite things to do these days…

Papa and Hayden

After everyone left, Jonathan ended up in the recliner with both boys…

Daddy and his boys

And lastly, here is our first family picture of 2011, although it was taken with my iphone…but then again, a lot of pictures this year will probably be taken with the iphone and not the actual camera, ha! Welcome to the iphone era boys!

Blundell Family

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