Boy Blundy

I am a lucky, lucky woman to be married to this man. This man is my best friend, a wonderful husband and one of the best men I know. He is going to make an amazing father and I can’t wait to see him in action. He has always been good about doing things to help me out around the house. When our house was on the market, he was great with helping me clean and get it ready for a showing. He helps do the dishes most nights after dinner, he does a lot of the cooking, and helps out with the laundry…and lets face it, who likes to do laundry

The last month or so since I haven’t really been able to do much and am supposed to be “taking it easy”, he has really had to step up and take over doing the majority of the house work and everything else that needs to be done before the babies get here. He has painted the babies room and our room, all by himself! Put the second crib together, hung curtain rods for me, done a lot of the house work and laundry and spent like 3 hours in our backyard pulling all the massive weeds that had taken over. All the while, I lay on the couch! I feel bad that all this has landed on him and I really wish I could have helped him paint or pick the weeds and clean the house or do laundry, but apparently that’s more than I’m supposed to be doing….

He does all this without complaining too and I can’t thank him enough!! So thank you for all your hard work and I love you!

Family Soccer Star

A few weeks ago Jonathan and I went to my nephews last soccer game of the season. Unfortunately they lost, but had a good game either way. Jake has been playing soccer for a couple of years now and really enjoys it. He is a really good goalie but he doesn’t necessarily like it. When we walked up to the field, we saw him like this…

You see, he would much rather be doing this…

or this…

or maybe even this…

After the game the whole team got medals for their season…

He is good no matter what position he plays, whether its goalie, offense or defense. He is just over all a good athlete. But not only is he a good athlete, he is a good student too, he’s very smart, he loves to read and I found out yesterday he got perfect scores on both portions of the TAKS test…I’m so proud of him!


Jonathan and I went to the Memorial Day fireworks show in Sunnyvale on Sunday night with our friends Todd & Monja, their 4 kids and my brother, Brian and his girlfriend, Stephanie. It was a quick fireworks show, like they usually are and we got their right before the show started but all in all it was a fun show. I took some clips with my iphone and was able to put together a video of the fireworks show. Just click the link below and you can watch the video. Now I can’t wait for the 4th of July and another fireworks show!

Fireworks – Click here to see some video I shot from the show

I’m slackin

I just realized it’s been a while since I posted anything. A lot has been going on lately, I promise to update it soon with pictures from our trip to Seattle, pictures of the new house, and the most recent pictures of the babies…even though I’ll have new ones in 2 weeks!! Stay tuned and I promise I’ll update.


Yes, we finally sold our house!! I am so excited and can’t wait for May 6th to get here to we can close on our house here in Red Oak as well as our new house in Forney. Our house has been on the market for around 8 or 9 months, we’ve had several offers, just didn’t have the right one until recently. So we will be pretty busy for the next couple of weeks packing, moving and unpacking. Did I mention I was excited!! I’ll have to post pictures of the new house soon!

Can’t wait

The Space Needle at Christmas, originally uploaded by papalars.

Jonathan and I booked our anniversary trip for next month. We decided to go to Seattle, Washington. We started out going to NYC, then it was San Fransisco and we ended up with Seattle. I’m super excited and can’t wait to get a way for a few days. If any of you have been to Seattle, let me know of some fun places to go and see.

New Table

So we haven’t had a dinning room table since we moved in. Basically we didn’t want to have to buy one for the few times that we need one, and it would make our dinning room feel quite a bit smaller. But when we put our house on the market, we decided we needed to put a table in the dinning room so it would be staged correctly, because selling a home is all about staging these days. My brother and sister in law had an old small kitchen table that they were using anymore and it was just taking up space in their garage so we stole it. They let us take it and we painted it a rich chocolate brown color…It was a pine color. It has white 4×4 tiles in the center of the table and that wouldn’t really work for a dinning room table and we didn’t want to paint the tiles, so I just got a table cloth and viola, here is what you get:
Its nice and it works, just looks kinda funny because its soo small in the room. So I thought of a way to fix the problem. It’s basically 2 2’x6′ pine planks that we put together and has a frame of 2″x3″s that helps hold it to the old table. I just lays right on top of the existing table top and doesn’t wobble around at all becase the frame fits right around the circumference of the table.

I don’t like using saws or big power tools so I had Jonathan help me build the table and then I stained it and put a few coats of polyurethane on it. Here is the end project:

There you have it, our dinning room table for under $100. Well, almost…we still need to get some chairs or benches. There are 4 chairs but only 3 are usable…one of them is broken and you can’t sit in it. But other than that, I love it!


Candy corn…a yummy treat that you only get once a year. Candy corn reminds me of all things fall; the leaves changing, the cooler air, and little kids dressed up in halloween costumes. But do you know the history of candy corn, yes it has to do with actual corn.

It was first created in the 1880s by George Renninger of the Wunderle Candy Company, the three colors of candy corn are meant to symbolize actual corn. Each piece is approximately the size of a whole kernel of corn, as if it fell off a ripe or dried ear of corn. Candy corn is made primarily from sugar, corn syrup and honey. Working by hand, the original manufacturers first combined sugar, corn syrup and water and cooked them into a slurry. Fondant was added for texture, and marshmallows provided a soft bite. The final mixture was then heated and poured into shaped molds. Three passes were required during the pouring process, one for each colored section. Few changes have been made to the process or recipe, with machines now performing the tasks formerly done by people.

As you can see, its really healthy for you as well! I mean, what’s not to love, it’s got sugar, corn syrup and honey!! Have you tried the carmel apple candy corn? It’s simply amazing, a sweet carmely (is that word) taste of candy apples…MMmmmmm I need to go find some of those now! Happy fall ya’ll!

New Look

As you can see, I’ve changed the look to the blog, once again! I’ve also renamed it…it’s now Girl Blundy’s World! So you can follow the life and times of the Blundy family! While i have no clue what he’s doing, things may continue to change on here as the hubs fixes and tinkers with the look and buttons and all that jazz.