Weekend wrap up

Another good weekend at casa de blundell. Friday night Jonathan and I went to dinner at Chuy’s in Dallas with my best friend Jen and her fiance, Jed. It’s always great getting to catch up and have a good time with them. After dinner we headed over to my parents house to see my neice and nephew because my parents were watcing them. We also made it over to the Medlins and visited with them for a while. And, eventually we made it to our destination, my brother’s house to pick up my beloved oversized, comfy chair that he had been storing. Now that we have a house, we have room for my overly huge chair. It’s the best! Presley is glad to have it back too. She could sleep on it all day long. We also got a Christmas tree from a friend that was a lot bigger than the one we originally had. We put up our Christmas tree a week or two ago and it was just kind of skimpy, not a big tree by any means. So we got this new tree and I had to put it up so we took down the old tree and moved it all to the new tree. That’s when all the fun with the Christmas tree started. Below you will find a picture of the old tree–Jonathan is there to put it into perspective:

This is the new tree all decorated and after it was put back upright–more to come on that!

So we got the tree up on Friday night but not after some hassel. The tree stand that came with it was for a real tree so it didn’t really hold the artificial tree and the tree kept wanting to fall over. After a while we got it sturdy enough that if no one were to touch the tree it would be fine. HA! Well
Well, Saturday we woke up, after sleeping in-YEAH, and went to Lowes and Target…the usual stops on the weekend as of lately. We picked up the storm door we wanted to put on our front door and a new vaccum…my vaccum decided to stop working on us. Jonathan’s parents and grandparents came over Saturday afternoon and his dad installed the storm door for us. Later that night we all went to Cracker Barrel for dinner–soooo good. I basically got a plate full of starch-delicious. Good ‘ole chicken ‘n dumplins with mashed potatos and hashbrown caserole.
Oh I forgot about the tree on Saturday–okay, we the tree had been holding up nicely over the last 12 -18 hours until now….when Jonathan’s mom wanted to take a picture of us infront of the tree…..we were standing in front of the tree and all of a sudden–Bam, here comes the tree falling towards us and the ground. So here was our nice big Christmas tree laying on the ground with all our ornaments and everything. It was pretty funny to watch. We got the tree back in the right position and nothing broke believe it or not. After dinner we drove back to lowes and got a new artificial tree stand and now it’s all good–mainly because you can’t see the book under one side of the tree stand making it not lean–it’s our ghetto Christmas tree.
Sunday we went to church–i was in the nursery so I missed the mesage. After church we went to Whataburger with some friends and then I went to a baby shower for a friend in Richardson. Jonathan is still on his weekend–Lucky! He starts his new job tomorrow so I’m sure he’ll take advantage of this nice day off.


Okay my peeps we need to talk! The order of holidays is as follows: Halloween, Thanksgiving and then Christmas. You have to have one holiday to move onto the next. So for all you people with Christmas trees up and lights out, you can keep them up but don’t turn the lights on until Thanksgiving is over! How can you be focused on Thanksgiving if you are worried about putting up the Christmas decorations? Okay, that’s my rant–Have a happy Turkey Day

A day in the life of Laurie

So someone told me that I needed to blog more and I said, well if I don’t have much to say what do you want me to blog about. Her response–your life…what you do each day. So Amanda, here you go–you asked for it.
Monday 11-19-07
I woke up at 5:00 am when the alarm went off–well, I actually got out of bed at 5:18am then I took a shower and got ready for work. I ate some breakfast while Presley spent some time doing her business outside in the backyard. Around 6:10 I left for work and drove all the way to Dallas. Just kidding, it’s not that bad of a drive. I arrived to work around 6:45 and got started calibrating all our machines and printing out our schedule sheet for the day. The day wasn’t too bad, it was busy in the morning but not at all in the afternoon. About 2:30 I left the wonderful world of Children’s Medical Center and went to the Carrell Clinic for physical therapy on my shoulder with Rosanne. She gave me some exercises and stretches to do that will help with my shoulder and hopefully I won’t have to go back because it can get pretty expensive–especially when you’re already paying 3 hospital bills. After PT I left and drove back home to Red Oak. I got home and aired up mine and Jonathan’s bike tires and looked at my brakes because they have been sticking. But by the time we were ready to ride it was dark so that didn’t happen. I started chopping up the veggies for dinner and once Jonathan got home we started cooking dinner. We made a veggie dish–well what was supposed to be a egg, veggie Quiche I think, it was okay but I’d be completely fine never eating it again. After we ate dinner and cleaned the dishes (about 6:30) I made Jonathan pick between two colors to paint the dinning room. I think that was too much stress and if it were up to him we would keep white walls everywhere. I told him the walls are getting painted either way so you can either give me your input with color and tell me if you don’t like one or I’ll just pick. Fair enough, right? Well we finally picked a color so we got in the car and drove to Home Depot. On the way we took some food to Richard and Ambers for Richard to take one of his students for a Thanksgiving dinner and we ended up staying there for a while just talking. So after we got the paint I figured well it’s too late to start painting tonight so we went to Marble Slab and got some frozen yogurt–and it was good! Then we came home and I taped off the edges of the trim on the wall and I’m all ready to start painting. That was my day–very exciting I know. Today is going to be just as exciting as yesterday–except when I get home today I’ll start painting and then at 6:30 go to our small group and have some great mexican food and play some games. We normally do a bible study but with thanksgiving this week we decided to take a break.

Dominant Itelligence

So I took this quiz to see what my dominant itelligence is and well, because I’m that weird, I have no dominant intelligence. I’m a mix between the two below–take out the math part of the first one, i’m not that good at math-infact, I very much dislike math.

Your Dominant Intelligence is Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

You are great at finding patterns and relationships between things.
Always curious about how things work, you love to set up experiments.
You need for the world to make sense – and are good at making sense of it.
You have a head for numbers and math … and you can solve almost any logic puzzle.

You would make a great scientist, engineer, computer programmer, researcher, accountant, or mathematician.

Your Dominant Intelligence is Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

You are naturally athletic and coordinated, good at making your mind and body work together.
Sports are fun and easy for you, especially those requiring good hand – eye coordination.
There’s also a good chance you’re a great dancer, or good at expressing yourself through body language.
You learn best by doing, and you feel like you’ve always got to be moving (even if it’s just your hands).

You would make a good athlete, physical education teaches, dancer, actor, firefighter, or artisan.

Painting the kitchen

Friday night Jonathan and I started painting the kitchen…I’m lucky I finally got him to do it! For some reason he doesn’t want to paint anything….he’s afraid to put holes in the wall because “they are permanent” and I guess he’s afraid of permanency? So he’s scared to paint a kitchen for fear he won’t like it but he married me for the REST OF HIS LIFE –hummmm odd ball! Anyway we finally wrapped it up and it’s all finished. Below are the before and after pictures. Well I forgot to get a before picture so it’s just one we took before we moved in.

painted kitchen


The other day someone asked what I did to relax. Most people say read a book, watch TV or soak in a tub…well for most people that would work but not for me. I’ get bored doing all that and not relaxed. My mind just wonders to all the things that need to be done or I want to do and that’s not relaxing. So while most are reading a book to relax, I’m out doing something in the yard or painting–not on a canvas–you must be joking, but a room. So this weekend hopefully I’ll be able get atleast our kitchen painted. Now I just need to get Jonathan on board–I don’t expect him to paint, I don’t mind doing it all. He’s got a CWF show Saturday night anyway so while he’s donig that, I can relax while painting the kitchen. I think I’ve picked out a color but not quite sure yet. I’m thinking sage green, oh it’s gonna look good! I’ll post pictures when I get a chance.

it’s the small things!

I’m sure you’ve heard people say before that it’s the small things in life that matter. Well, it is true–at least for me anyway. It’s not only the small things but going back to your memories and fun times–those are what matter to me. For the first couple of years I worked at Children’s a couple of my friends and I would sometimes go down to the cafeteria about 5:00 pm and have a piece of cake for our break….this was just a way to get away from everything, our work day, crazy children and nurses. Then Children’s began to grow and our days at work got too hectic to carry on this tradition. Anywho, Monday was kind of slow for us so two of my coworkers and I decided to go over to the hospital and get a piece of cake for a break! And it was ohhh so good! It brought back memories of the way it used to be and I miss it. Maybe we can have more of those days but in the mean time I’ll take all the little ones I can get. So ya, it’s the little things like a small piece of lemon cake from a hospital cafeteria (which is pretty good I might add) that make life worth it.


Halloween, the day little kids get dressed up as a princess or cowboy and go trick or treating. Well atleast that’s what it used to be about…I remember when we were kids there would tons of kids out in the neighborhood trick or treating–mainly little kids and not as many teenagers. Last night I was looking around the neighborhood and there weren’t too many kids out, or atleast not as many as there used to be….it was more teenagers just in regular clothes…if you don’t have a costume you don’t get candy–that’s my rule. But then again I have to pass out candy to have a rule i guess–owell. I don’t know what it is, but over the last couple of years I have learned to dislike Halloween and basically just ignore it all together. But, Jonathan won’t let me and I have a feeling that he won’t let me keep my kids from trick or teating. Now there is no harm in dressing up, I’m all about that–as long as it’s fun, cowboy, princess, lady bug, whatever–but no ugly, scary costumes. My parents have a Fall Harvest Festival the weekend before Halloween and I’m all about thigns like that–my kids can do that all they want but not the whole Halloween thing. Call me crazy, I just don’t like it. Any thoughts on this??