
Halloween, the day little kids get dressed up as a princess or cowboy and go trick or treating. Well atleast that’s what it used to be about…I remember when we were kids there would tons of kids out in the neighborhood trick or treating–mainly little kids and not as many teenagers. Last night I was looking around the neighborhood and there weren’t too many kids out, or atleast not as many as there used to be….it was more teenagers just in regular clothes…if you don’t have a costume you don’t get candy–that’s my rule. But then again I have to pass out candy to have a rule i guess–owell. I don’t know what it is, but over the last couple of years I have learned to dislike Halloween and basically just ignore it all together. But, Jonathan won’t let me and I have a feeling that he won’t let me keep my kids from trick or teating. Now there is no harm in dressing up, I’m all about that–as long as it’s fun, cowboy, princess, lady bug, whatever–but no ugly, scary costumes. My parents have a Fall Harvest Festival the weekend before Halloween and I’m all about thigns like that–my kids can do that all they want but not the whole Halloween thing. Call me crazy, I just don’t like it. Any thoughts on this??

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