New Look

As you can see, I’ve changed the look to the blog, once again! I’ve also renamed it…it’s now Girl Blundy’s World! So you can follow the life and times of the Blundy family! While i have no clue what he’s doing, things may continue to change on here as the hubs fixes and tinkers with the look and buttons and all that jazz.

Shopping With Mr. Blundy

Since getting married I have slowly tried to teach the hubs what shoes, shirts, shorts, etc go with each other. I will say it’s getting better, but still not quite there yet. For example, he seems to think that camo shorts go with anything. The biggest issue is what shoes go with different outfits. I’ve tried the subtle hints and even flat out saying, “you’re wearing those with that?” Nothing seems to stick! He really likes this pair of sketchers that I got him for his birthday last year and wears them with EVERYTHING. I’m okay with that because they are nice, it’s just that they don’t go with everything. They are more “nice/dress casual” shoes than “casual” and he tries to pass them off as tennis shoes…it doesn’t work. Anyway…This past weekend we went shopping for some new shoes….and had no luck. He is the hardest person to buy clothes/shoes for. He just doesn’t ever want to spend money on him and it’s hard to convince him he “needs” new shoes or clothes. After the shoe shopping we tried to find some new shirts and jeans for the boy. Another bomb! Stores just don’t make clothes long enough for him…jeans are always too short and shirts never fit. I have the opposite problem, I go to the store and clothes are never small/petite enough for me. Guess it’s back to ordering clothes online, I just don’t like not being able to try them on or making sure they fit before you actually buy them. O’well, I guess that’s life….maybe we’ll have better luck next time.

Life’s Curveballs

Every little girl dreams of the day she will become a mother, and every newly married couple dreams of the day they will hold their first child in their arms. For some, those dreams are shattered when they face the challenges of infertility. There is nothing harder then to hear you have infertility and may never get pregnant. What is even harder to hear is that someone else is pregnant; while you are happy for them you can’t help but wonder why it can’t be you. People will try to offer support and words of encouragement, but if they have never experienced infertility they don’t know how it truly feels. It makes it harder to hear someone say “You’ll have a baby when it’s meant to happen,” or “Stop trying so hard and you’ll become pregnant,” as if it’s that easy. Let me tell you, month after month of no positive pregnancy tests really takes a toll on you emotionally.

I’ve struggled for a few months with whether or not I was going to post this, simply because we weren’t ready to tell people and also because in the back of our mind, we just knew that it would happen and there would be no point in telling everyone.

Well it hasn’t happened and it is a very real reality in our life right now.

Jonathan and I have been trying to extend our family for about a year and a half now (surprise!).

And as a small disclaimer, here comes a lot of information that you probably wished you never knew about me. I’m sorry, but it’s a part of the process so get over it. 🙂

Anyway, I have always had sporadic cycles and my doctor said it wouldn’t be a big deal until I was trying to get pregnant, so we never did anything about it. I went in to see my doctor for my annual visit, about 9 months after we had started trying, and she did some blood work to see if anything was abnormal. Voila, there’s my problem! I had increased prolactin levels from a prolactinoma on my pituitary gland (a small benign tumor). The tumor doesn’t really cause a problem until you are trying to get pregnant and then you can’t because you don’t ovulate. Now, here comes the technical part… Prolactin is one of many hormones produced by the pituitary gland. It is primarily responsible for milk production during lactation. With increased prolactin, there is an increase in the hypothalamic hormone dopamine which tells the pituitary to stop releasing prolactin. In some cases the dopamine can’t reach the pituitary gland (like from a tumor). When that happens, there’s no signal to suppress the secretion of prolactin, and the pituitary continues to release it. When prolactin levels rise, the hypothalamus manufactures and releases more dopamine in an effort to stop prolactin production. This increase in dopamine has other effects. In particular, it suppresses the production of the hormones that promote release of FSH and LH. This in turn, leads to a drop in LH and FSH, causing low estrogen levels and therefore no ovulation.

Now that wasn’t too bad was it…still with me?

So we discovered I had a pituitary tumor and my doctor started me on a miracle drug to “shrink” the tumor and bring my prolactin levels back to normal. Well within two months, the tumor had shrunk and my levels were back to normal, YEAH! But we still haven’t been able to get pregnant. My doctor thought that’s all it would take but it didn’t. I have been to many office visits with her, tests, blood work, you name it and she can’t explain why now… it’s basically just unexplained infertility.

Everyday woman get pregnant, it’s what our bodies were designed to do, but for some reason my body is broken in that department. There are many different treatment options available each with their own side effects. I am still on the medication to keep my prolactin levels low but I have now started a fertility drug that will hopefully help as well. There are many undesirable side effects from the medication that I would love to live without but I’m willing to do anything, within reason, to have a baby. So over the next few months I will have many more visits with my doctor and many more blood tests.

Now granted, I said I would do anything within reason to have a baby because Jonathan and I have talked about it and we will only go so far to try to get pregnant. We can’t justify spending thousands of dollars on treatments that still only give us a “maybe” chance of getting pregnant. We would rather spend that money on adopting a child that is in need of a family but we will cross that road if and when we get there. Either way we would like to adopt a child at some point in the future, but that’s another story for another time.

So basically what it boils down to is this, after months and months of disappointment and heart ache we need some prayers… prayer for strength, patience and understanding. Personally speaking, it’s taking a toll on me emotionally and physically, because of side effects of the drugs.

As a final thought, I know everyone will want to call, e-mail and ask us if we’re pregnant yet or how things are going (we get that enough of that as it is – without anyone knowing all this background 🙂 ). We appreciate all the thoughts and prayers and know you mean the best when you ask, but if you’ll promise not to bombard us with questions, we’ll do our best to keep you posted and let you know if anything changes.

I will never give up the hope of becoming a parent, whether it’s our own or through adoption, one day it will happen!

Memorial Day weekend

My memorial day weekend started early….it was Thursday at about 2:00 when I went home sick from work. I was just work out and could feel a sinus infection brewing…I’ve done good, a whole 4 months without a sinus infection, Wahoo! I guess I broke my streak this week because on Sunday morning I woke up with full fledged sinusitis. Needles to say we didn’t do much of anything Sunday, I pretty much just layed on the couch all day. Despite feeling horrible Jonathan and I did manage to have a good weekend. Saturday we headed to Terrell for my nephew’s soccer tournament and then back home for small group at our house.

Our small group was just that, small. It was just me, Jonathan and Preslsey, so we headed to Home Depot to get some stuff to plant a small garden. Jonathan got some jalapenos, cucumbers and tomatoes and I got some potted flowers to put in the back yard.

Monday Jonathan and I went and had brunch at Ihop…I know, we go all out! Then headed to Ft. Worth to the botanical gardens for a while. We had a great time at the gardens and of course took some photos. It wouldn’t be a day in the life of laurie and jonathan if we didn’t take pictures.

And that was the extent of our weekend, not extravagant but it was perfect for us!

This Craziness We Call Life

Okay, so it’s been a while and we have been extremely busy around here! As I type this, I’m trying to remember what all we’ve done since I last posted and for the life of me, I can’t even remember back that far! April is the month for birthdays in our family. We have, my mother in law, mine, my moms, and my niece, so needless to say we have had some celebrations. My niece, Brooklyn, turned 5 this year! That’s crazy, I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday. photo

Jonathan and I, along with Tracy and Keri and Aaron Lehmann hosted “Fresha Peppa” cafe for Brian and Heather Treadaway and had a blast doing so!
Fresha Peppa
This is “tiny” -Jonathan and “Fredrique” -Aaron. Keri was the chef, I was the paparazzi and Tracy was the local bar fly…fun times in deed. I think Brian and Heather had a good time, I hope so anyway!

The last two weeks of April I was out of town for work. I had an investigators meeting for some research trials we are doing. I was in Orlando, Fl first and was able to go over to Universal Theme park for a while….the park itself was closed but we were able to walk around and then eat some dinner at Hard Rock Cafe.
Hard Rock Cafe

The next week I went to Atlanta, Ga….not as much fun there! We flew in on the 28th, had meetings all day and then had meetings the next morning and flew out that afternoon. We waited on the tarmac for about 2 hours before we could leave Atlanta due to bad weather in Dallas. Then when we were close to Dallas, we had to circle around a few times because there were so many planes trying to land at DFW from delays. We eventually made it back home about 5 or 6 hours later.
In flight

Jonathan and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary and unfortunately I was in Atlanta on the 28th while Jonathan was back in Dallas! Not the way we thought we would spend our anniversary, but life goes on. Friday night we went to Outback Steakhouse for a delicious dinner and then Saturday we were going to go spend the day in Ft Worth but because of the rain we decided to shoot for next weekend instead.

So that’s been our life for about the last month….hopefully it will be a little less crazy around here for a while!

We did it

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Yesterday Jonathan and I completed the 2009 20 mile Tour Dallas bike ride. Granted 20 miles isn’t a long distance for a cyclist, but for two people who have never done a bike race before, it’s a pretty good distance. I also think 20 miles was a good distance for someone who broke her back only 9 months ago…and 2 miles into the ride I was feeling it, my back and neck were tightening up and hurting but I pulled through it and finished all 20 miles. Today on the other hand, i am feeling it more…but nothing I can’t live with. Anyway, we had a fun time…one of our friends, Todd joined us and he actually did the 30 mile ride, he is an experienced rider and has done like 100 mile races before, so 30 was nothing for him. We started off at city hall in Downtown Dallas and rode across the trinity river and back, then through downtown, down swiss avenue, through Lakewood, to White rock lake and back to city hall. The whole time my gears kept shifting on their own, they wouldn’t stay locked in one gear and of course the one gear they stayed in was the hardest gear! It wasn’t too bad, just annoying and kind of hard going up hills – ha. After the ride we took my bike to the bike shop to get looked at and they said the gear shift was broken. They fixed it and viola, it shifts fine now. We are thinking of doing a 40 mile ride next weekend in Lancaster, but we’ll see 😉

The soccer player

My nephew, Jake, started playing soccer this year. He had his first game this past Tuesday, which was his dad’s (my brother) birthday. So we all went out to watch Jake play his first game and then went to dinner for Brad’s Birthday. Before the game the team did the whole, hands in and on 3 yell “Cobras”:
Jake's First Soccer Game
Jake did a great job of chasing the ball and even made a goal!!
Jake's First Soccer Game
He had a chance to play goalie as well and did a good job of keeping the ball out of their goal.
Jake's First Soccer Game
I can’t wait to go to another game!


Day 167 ~ 365 Days Project
Today we paid off our last credit card!!! We have been hitting the debt hard since last June/July. We have to thank Uncle Sam for holding our money for us over the last year and we decided to do the responsible thing and put our 2008 tax refund towards paying off our debt….Even though we both would soooo much rather go on a nice trip with that money, we would rather get out from under debt. So our credit card debt is ALL GONE!! Now all we have left are Medical bills and parental debt. But now that we don’t have to make a huge credit card payment, we can add that to what we were paying each month on my medical bills and knock them out soon. Other than our house and cars, we should be debt free in the next 10 months or so!

My job

I have been at my new job for about 3 months and still absolutely LOVE it!! My co-workers are wonderful and the doctor I work for is amazing. It is completely different from what I have been doing and I have learned a tremendous amount since starting there. This was the best move for my career and there are possibilities that have opened up for me that I would have never had at Children’s. I’m writing a paper or abstract on a procedure we do in our office and I’m hoping to get it published. I just found out this week that I’m also going to be involved in two research studies in the next several months, for which I have to go to Atlanta and somewhere else (not sure of the location yet) for training in April.

I thought making the switch from pediatrics to adults would be hard for me, but it really hasn’t been that bad, I actually like working with the adults, and I’ve had a few kiddos come in to see me so I still get some pediatric patients.

I am so glad that I made the switch from Children’s to Baylor because it was just what I needed, I actually don’t dread getting up in the morning to go to work!

They even let me play with needles!! Well not really play with them, more like poke people with them-wuaaahahahah

Day 129 ~ 365 Days Project

We’re still alive…

Wow, it’s been a while since I posted anything on this here blog! We have been busy the last month or so and I realize I haven’t kept anyone updated on what all we have been up to. I’m not going to lie…when I do have a chance to sit down and update the blog, I just don’t want to! We went on our cruise the first week of February and had a great time!
Day 140 ~ 365 Days Project
Our first stop was in Progresso, Mexico and we enjoyed visiting the Mayan Ruins. Jonathan probably enjoyed it more than me, but it was neat to see.
2009 Cruise
The next day we went to Cozumel and had a chance to ride some segways along beach. we were supposed to go snorkeling but it was way too windy so we were unable to. We were pretty bummed but maybe some other time we will be able to go snorkeling.
2009 Cruise
After the segway tour we walked around the port a while and had lunch at Three Amigos in Cozumel.
2009 Cruise

Last weekend we celebrated Jonathan’s 30th birthday at Kobe Steaks, sorry I didn’t get many pics…
Day 159 ~ 365 Days Project

Then on Tuesday, which was Jonathan’s actual birthday we went to Red Robin for a delicious burger.
Day 161 ~ 365 Days Project

I started going to the Bible study at my old church in Dallas with Jen on Wednesday nights and love it. I have missed having an actual women’s Bible study and simply just needed it. So I called Jen up because I knew she was going to the one at Northwest Bible and luckily a new study was starting this month so I was able to start it. So every Wednesday after work I get to see Jen and then go to a Bible study–it’s great!! We catch up on what’s going on in our lives and helps me get through the week. I’ve missed getting to see her and spend time with her as often as we used to…I guess that’s what happens when you live that far apart and both have busy lives. But, I’m thankful for the times we do get to spend together.

We have started getting ready for spring around our house. Last week we pulled up some bushes and planted two rose bushes in the front and today we added more mulch to the flower beds and I put out the weed killer…and in a few weeks it’ll be time for the fertilizer.
Day 160 ~ 365 Days ProjectThe Hubs