Memorial Day weekend

My memorial day weekend started early….it was Thursday at about 2:00 when I went home sick from work. I was just work out and could feel a sinus infection brewing…I’ve done good, a whole 4 months without a sinus infection, Wahoo! I guess I broke my streak this week because on Sunday morning I woke up with full fledged sinusitis. Needles to say we didn’t do much of anything Sunday, I pretty much just layed on the couch all day. Despite feeling horrible Jonathan and I did manage to have a good weekend. Saturday we headed to Terrell for my nephew’s soccer tournament and then back home for small group at our house.

Our small group was just that, small. It was just me, Jonathan and Preslsey, so we headed to Home Depot to get some stuff to plant a small garden. Jonathan got some jalapenos, cucumbers and tomatoes and I got some potted flowers to put in the back yard.

Monday Jonathan and I went and had brunch at Ihop…I know, we go all out! Then headed to Ft. Worth to the botanical gardens for a while. We had a great time at the gardens and of course took some photos. It wouldn’t be a day in the life of laurie and jonathan if we didn’t take pictures.

And that was the extent of our weekend, not extravagant but it was perfect for us!

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