Happy Halloween

The boys were Superman and Batman this year…Hayden as Superman and Ian as Batman. This year we decided to let the boys do a little trick or treating.  They didn’t comprehend what they were doing at all, but they did learn that when someone was holding a bucket full of candy, they were getting some of it.  We were working on saying “trick or treat” before we went out, but it was more like “ticatee” and then when they got up to a door, they said nothing.  O’well, there’s always next year! We went trick or treating with our next door neighbors who have a 1 yr old little girl.  We pretty much just went down our street and the next one over before all 3 kiddos were done and ready for bed.  It was fun getting to experience this first with the boys and watch them interact with other kids.  I didn’t get too many pictures of them trick or treating but here are a few.



This is the only picture they would give me together.

Waiting on mom and dad so they can go “ticatee”

superman, batman & the bumblebee

2 Years Old

Our annual photo in front of the house on the boys’ birthday. It started the day they came home form the hospital.

I can’t believe my babies are 2 years old today! It seems like yesterday that we were holding them for the first time.  My babies are ALL boy now.  They love cars, trains, trucks, playing outside, rolling around on the grass, playing in dirt, etc.  The last few months, they have shown us just how much they have grown up and, even though they still need us, they have shown us that we can back off some and let them do their thing.  They don’t require our eyes on them every waking second of the day.  Not that we can leave them alone or not watch them at all, but we can walk into another room of the house and not worry about them as much as we would 6 months ago…I can go to the bathroom and not have to take them with me 😉

The boys are sooo fun right now.  They love their independence and can play well alone, but still love to play with each other and with us and will let us help them (most of the time) when needed but most of all, they are still young enough to like holding our hand and snuggling in our lap.

The boys have such distinctively different personalities, its neat to watch them and how they react to things.  But at the same time, they also play off one another and sees how the other one reacts to things, before he will react.

They have really started playing with one another lately and I LOVE it! They chase each other around the house, race each other (kinda), but the my favorite is when one of them is doing something and waits for the other one to see him because he’s waiting on him to join in.  Then, once he sees him looking, they’ll both start laughing and doing whatever it was the first boy was doing in the first place. Hilarious!

My boys truly love each other, and this warms my heart more than you could ever know. They care about each other and help each other (except for when Ian tries to play with Hayden’s trains – then its every man for himself) and they worry about the other one when he’s not around.  If one grabs his paci or taggie, he’ll grab the other one and give it to his brother. If one is upset, the other one will be truly concerned for him.  Although the do know when their brother is just fussing because he’s being a Mr. fussy pants, or when something is really wrong, then they just carry on with their business. If one gets up before the other one, they will get excited when the other one finally gets up. If I take one to the store and Jonathan keeps one, they will point to the empty car seat in the car and in their words say “uhhh?”

The boys still love their pacifier – a habit that we are going to slowly break.  We aren’t in a hurry to do it because we know they won’t have a pacifier forever, no one goes to kindergarten with one.  We try to keep it put up during the day and only give it to them when they are sleeping.  Baby steps, right?!

The boys are taking 1 nap now – anywhere from an hour to 2.5 hours.  Hayden usually sleeps about an hour and will do 2 tops, but Ian will sleep for about 1. 5 hours on average and will sometimes sleep 2 -2.5 hours. We have separated them during nap time because they weren’t sleeping when they were in the same room.  Also, since Hayden wakes up before Ian he would go and wake Ian up when he wasn’t ready to be woken up yet – No Bueno!  They have a bed time of about 730-800, depending on the day and how they napped.  They typically wake up between 700-800, sometimes 645 or earlier and will sleep fairly well at night.  We may have to go in their in the middle of the night to get a pacifier and that’s it. Rarely will they wake up and have a hard time going back to sleep – praise Jesus!

Hayden is our ham and comic relief. Most people don’t get to see that side of him, but we sure do! He is also our stubborn child! Oh my goodness, is this boy stubborn.  You would think he couldn’t hear because of how often he chooses to ignore you.  I can assure you, he has 100% intact hearing, he just doesn’t want to hear us.  But if you switch and say something he wants to hear, my, how all of a sudden he can hear what you are saying.”  When he does something he knows he is not supposed to be doing, he will wait for you to tell him no and when you do, he’ll give you this look like…”what are you going to do about it?” But, I’m glad he is stubborn, it just means he’ll be less likely to be talked into doing something he doesn’t want to when he’s older.

Even though he is stubborn, he is a very sweet child and truly cares for his brother. If Ian gets hurt or is really crying, he will start to tear up unless we tell him that his brother is okay. Hayden doesn’t give many hugs, and when he does give one, its usually just a head leaned into your chest.  But the one person he will put both his arms around when he gives a hug is Ian. They give each other a hug and say”byebye”everyday before their nap because they are in separate rooms for nap time and we found this helps Hayden sleep better.  He hates to be separated from Ian when they sleep.  He typically won’t sleep well if they are separated at night – that’s only happened a couple of times though.

Hayden is starting to say more single words and his vocabulary is slowly growing.  He will say (in his own words) cracker, book, bye bye, milk, ball, papa, mamma, dada and he will make noises for a police car/ambulance and train. As well as show us what a lion, gorilla, monkey, elephant, cat and dog say.  He knows some shapes and will point out the correct shape if you ask which one it is.  My boy is smart, he thinks of ways of doing things that your average 2 year old wouldn’t do.

This boy looooves trains and cars/trucks! We got them a train table for their birthday and he has played with it non-stop.  He is still very adventuresome and loves to explore.  He likes to climb and play with light switches.  He’s fascinated that a light turns on when you flip a switch!

He is still a very very picky eater.  It really depends on the day, but over all he likes bread, pizza, crackers, cereal, some yogurt and applesauce. He loves guacamole and will eat it most days if we offer it. He drinks mainly milk and water but some apple juice every now and then.


Ian is just as funny as Hayden, but in a different way.  He’s silly and funny.  He does not like to get in trouble, you typically don’t have to get on to him more than one or twice.  Needless to say, he doesn’t see the time out spot nearly as much as his brother.

Ian is a sensitive little man.  Just look at him sternly and he stops what he was doing.  If you raise your voice at him, he will get teary eyed.  He loves to snuggle and sit in your lap.

He talks a little bit more than Hayden does.  He only says single words but his vocabulary is definitely growing. He says words like, dog, elmo (momo), cracker, milk, George (curious george), momma, daddy, papa, bye bye, book.  He will tell you what many animals say or sound like, pick out shapes when you ask him which one it is, just like Hayden is doing.

Ian has a pretty good appetite.  He will eat fruit, green beans, yogurt, some meat and he loves beans and guacamole…he eats great when we go to Chipotle! He also drinks mainly water and milk.

Ian love Curious George (Goge as he calls him) and loves his stuffed animals.  If only I could find him a Curious George stuffed animal.  He has like 5 animals that he sleeps with and he has to have all of them with him.

Ian is a very active little boy.  He’s not hyper, just active and always on the go.  He loves to dance and you can usually find him bobbing his head to the music.

These boys are amazing and we love them more than anything! I can’t wait to see what happens over the next year!

Fall Arobretum pics

Last year we took the boys to the Dallas Arboretum for some fall pictures with the pumpkins. I love how the Arboretum decorates for the Fall season, its so festive.  Last week me and the boys went with some friends to get some more pictures for this season.  We got some pretty decent pictures last year, even though poor Ian felt horrible because of allergies, his eyes were watering the whole time, poor kid.  This year I gave him some Zyrtec before we left the house so we didn’t have any problems with allergies. We did get some decent pictures, but the boys were not into picture taking AT ALL this year.  They were much more into picking up all the pumpkins.  Just imagine Hayden chunking pumpkins like it were shot put, that’s what it was like!  We did have fun and got a few good shots of the boys individually, but a picture together was out of the question. I got 1, not a good one, but I got one and that’s all that matters.  Maybe we’ll have better luck next year when they are hopefully a little more cooperative ;).  Here are some of the photos we got that day, If you click on a the first photo it will bring up a slideshow to scroll through.


2 Year Pictures

A few years ago I bought a huge photography studio backdrop and studio lights from some friends (for a GREAT deal, might I add) and I will periodically pull it all out and set it up for a “photo shoot”.  Doing photo sessions like these are mostly practice for me so I can build my skills and know how with lighting…If I end up with some good shots, Great! But, I don’t go into the session with high expectations.  Ask any photographer and they will tell you that lighting will make or break a photograph.

I did the boys’ pictures last year for their 1 year photos and got some good ones, but I was disappointed in the lighting, so to me they weren’t great.  A few months ago I pulled it all out and tried again, this time the lighting was MUCH worse…but I did get some really good shots of the boys, I just wish the lighting was better.  I doubt anyone would look at the pictures and think, “boy the lighting in those pictures sure is off.” But I know it and that’s all that matters! So I decided to set it all up again and hope to get some decent shots of the boys for their 2 year photos.  I got them all dressed up, did their hair (basically just worked with what we had in Ian’s hair – it has a mind of its own!) and went to town taking shots.  Well, after the first few shots (which were horrible because all the boys wanted to do was run around) my lights stopped flashing – ARGGGG! so the following shots, while cute shots of the boys, were complete disasters as far as lighting goes.  I loved the actual pictures so much that I did everything imaginable in photoshop to save these from being deleted.





This was all Hayden wanted to do – be goofy!

After being completely bummed because my lights weren’t working well, I decided to play around with the light set up and try some different things – BINGO.  My lights were perfect, well almost! I still needed to adjust some stuff but I decided to give it another try.



My good little model

At this point, I was happy with the photos, but not thrilled.  So I did some minor adjustments and these are the final results.  A few of them, even, are now proudly hung in our house for everyone to see!








And my absolute favorite of all time – which luckily I liked because it was the only one I got of both boys together………….

My 2 Cuties

Toddler Beds

their new big boy beds

About a month and a half ago we switched the boys over to toddler beds from their cribs.  Trust me, if we could have kept them in their cribs we would have.  Hayden started climbing out of his crib first and for a few days we were fine with it, he is so very cautious and careful we weren’t worried about him falling and hurting himself.  So he would just climb out of the crib when he woke up.  Well a few days later, Mr. Ian learned how to climb out and that’s when the story changed.  Lets just say Ian isn’t as cautious as Hayden.  He hikes that leg up and then just throws himself over the edge.  We were definitely worried he would fall and hurt himself.

So, we took the huge step and put them in their “big boy” beds.  The first couple of nights they were still in their cribs, just with the side rail removed, until we could get their toddler beds.  Hayden fell out of bed a few nights in a row, so we had to get him a side rail to keep him in.  We decided to get Ian one too because he liked the security and confinement of the crib and I think the shock of having no “walls” around him scared him a little.

Someone rolled out of bed and is on the floor

Before we put them to bed, we cleared out their room and the only that they have access to are their beds and dresser. All the toys are in the closet, which has a lock on it. So they aren’t up playing all night.

The first night of their freedom was a little rough.  I think it took close to 2 hours for them to go to sleep.  We ended up sitting outside their door holding the door closed so they couldn’t open it and taking turns putting them back in bed. The second night went a little smoother.  It didn’t take 2 hours, but probably about an hour.  Each night got a little better but the difference was that we got a door handle that locked! We switched the lock to the outside so we can basically lock them in, then when they are asleep we will unlock it. I wasn’t about to play the game of every few minutes going back in to put them back in bed.  Once they try to open it and realize they can’t, they typically just go get back in bed.  Hayden will fall asleep in front of the door some nights and we’ll have to put him back in bed, but that has really just started happening in the last week or so.

There have been a few nights at the beginning where the boys would wake up in the middle of the night and want to play, but that didn’t last but 1 or 2 nights and they realized that is not what we do in the middle of the night. They will still cry some or wake up in the middle of the night but most of the time they will go back to sleep without us going in there.  They have these little seahorses that light up and play music, kind of like the old gloworms we had as kids, that Jonathan’s mom got them their first Christmas and Its funny because Hayden will use it as a flash light at night.  He will start crying and then we’ll hear the glow play music and then he’s quiet.  He uses it to find his pacifier in the dark, he’ll also hold onto it when he gets out of bed at night so he can see where he’s going.  Smart boy!

About 2 weeks ago they realized they an pull the dresser drawers open and pull all their clothes out! They had fun with this, we would go in and all the clothes are thrown over the bed and floor.  After going in several times a night to put them back in the clothes back in the drawers and them back in bed, we decided to put the cabinet locks on the drawers. I was also afraid they would pull on the drawers enough that it would pull the dresser over on top of them.

1 drawer emptied

On average it takes about 30 minutes for the boys to go to sleep at night.  Sometimes 10-15 and sometimes an hour, it just depends on the day.  They will talk, sing, laugh, you name it until they just poop out.  Because of this, we have started putting them to bed earlier so by the time they actually fall asleep it is closer to the time they normally would be going to sleep in their cribs.  It took us a few weeks to realize this, they were going to sleep an hour or so later than normal. It also helps now that its starting to get darker earlier.  They were going to sleep when it was bright as day outside.

This is what they do when they SHOULD be going to sleep!

And, because of their new found freedom, when they woke up in the morning, they were up! Normally they would wake up around 645-700 when we were leaving, but since they were in their crib, they would just go back to sleep and sleep until about 830 sometimes 900.  When they started sleeping in their new beds, they were up at about 630-700, and a few mornings, Hayden was up at 545 or 600.  This is NOT acceptable! They were only getting 9 hours of sleep instead of their usual 12 -13 hours a night.  The last week or so Hayden has been sleeping until 700 and Ian until 800 or 815 some days, so they are finally getting the hang of it.

up waaay too early, watching Curious George while mom and dad get ready for work.

Nap time is a whole different ballgame! It was miserable for about a week or two.  They weren’t sleeping enough at night and then wouldn’t really sleep much during their nap.  They were just in their room playing in the curtains, with each other, singing, talking, laughing, anything but sleeping! So after a week or 2 of them being complete Mr. Fussy Pants’ and driving us crazy, I decided to separate them during nap time.  Since our new house (well not really new anymore) is a 4 bedroom house, we have an extra room across the hall from their room that we set up the pack n play in.  Since Ian is less likely and not as able to climb out as Hayden, he got the short straw and gets to sleep in the guest room.  I don’t think he minds it though.  At first, they didn’t like being separated, especially Hayden, but now they give each other a hug, wave bye and go to their separate rooms.  AND, they sleep! They will sleep an hour (mainly Hayden) and as much as 2.5 hours (usually Ian).  Another reason we decided to separate them was that Hayden doesn’t sleep as long as Ian and ended up waking Ian up, so he wasn’t getting the sleep he requires (which is more than Hayden).

We have them on a pretty good nap/bedtime schedule now and we are all getting the hang of their new freedom and this new stage of life.  Other than having to put them back in bed some nights after they have fallen asleep, they sleep great.  It took a little while and we had some rough nights, but we are through the worst and it will only get better from here (right?).


Ian – sleeping with his head at the foot of the bed, as usual


Terrible twos X 2

The boys are trying our patience these days!  I have always said the terrible twos should be renamed to the curious twos. They are only “terrible” because they are curious and are trying to find out how things work, what they can get away with, etc…not because they want to intentionally disrespect us.  BUT, in the process of being curious and finding out how the world works – they can act TERRIBLE! Most people get to experience this stage 1 kiddo at a time, we get 2 at a time, which is a lot more than just double the work.  I really don’t think I can hear another person say oh, “I know exactly what you are going through, I have a 2 year old and a 3 year old.”  No, you don’t know what we are going through because that said 3 year old is a year older and can comprehend and verbalize a whole lot more than that 2 year old.  They can listen better, follow instructions better and tell you how they are feeling, what they ant, etc.  Two 2 year olds is an even playing field, they are at the exact same comprehension level, exact same stage in life and you are dealing with 2 kids that don’t quite understand what you are talking about when you tell them they are going in time out because of this or that.  That 3 year old knows they did something bad and this is a consequence.  They can verbalize how they are feeling a whole lot more than the 2 year old can.  ok, enough ranting.

While the boys generally do behave pretty good, they definitely have their moments of being (almost) 2. hey are testing the boundaries and finding out what exactly they can get away with and what they can’t.  Discipline is pretty hard right now.  They don’t quite grasp the concept of time outs, although they are slowly learning, and spankings don’t do anything – so why do it.  So that leaves us with 1 thing that has shown to work well with (at least) Hayden – taking away things that matter to him.  The two things that have helped are really only good at night when they are playing instead of going to sleep – taking away the pacifier and separating the boys.  Hayden does not like having Ian in the other room! Those 2 consequences work great at night time and nap time, but during the day is when we struggle with disciplining.

It also seems like we are always saying “No”, “get down”, “stop that’, “give that back to your brother”, “leave your brother alone”, “don’t touch the TV screen”, “don’t stand on that”, “sit down”, “leave the food in your mouth”, you know, the usual stuff you could hear at anyone’s house that has a toddler living in it.  I just feel like I’m nagging my kids ALL day long and I hate that.  But at the same time, they HAVE to learn because I don’t want them growing up not knowing how to act in public or at other peoples houses 🙂

The boys manage to get into a lot of stuff, things that we don’t think they are capable of doing, they surprise us! Lets talk about last weekend, shall we.  Keep in mind all this took place within a 3 hour time period.  Time of the crime – 5:00PM, crime scene – our kitchen, criminal – Ian.  (Ian really didn’t do anything bad, its just funny) So I was in the kitchen cooking dinner and the boys were playing on the porch with their sand.  I left the door open and blinds up so I could keep a good eye on them – and keep in mind our kitchen is like 10-15 feet from the door.  I hear Ian walk inside, around the kitchen table, walks into our room and out, then down the hall and into the kitchen where I am.  I hear him give his little giggle that he does when he has done something that he is proud of, so I look down to see him holding a cup full of sand.  You may be thinking, oh ok, a cup of sand.  This cup had holes in the bottom and sand was leaking out, and ALLLLL over the path that he had taken to get to me.  Do you know how hard it is to sweep up sand without missing any of it?!  It’s hard, trust me.  Like I said, he didn’t do anything bad, its just a funny story of some of the shenanigans the boys get into.  The next crime took place at 8:00PM, crime scene – boys’ room, criminal – Hayden & Ian.  The boys were in their room, supposed to be going to sleep.

They had been quiet for about 15-20 mins and every once in a while we’d hear a little giggle and then nothing.  Well, I decided to go in and check on them…good thing I did.  When I walked in they had the completely full diaper rash ointment (very oily and greasy ointment) and vasoline ALL OVER THE PLACE.  They had climbed up on top of their bed rails and reached to the top of their dresser to get these, which were in the middle of the dresser.  They had this stuff all over them, in their hair, on their pajamas, ALL over their sheets, on the beds, walls, everywhere!The once full can of ointment was completely empty by the time they were done with it.  I had no clue where to begin! I just stripped their beds and them, then wiped down everything to get as much of the oil out that I could.  I soaked the sheets and their clothes in the tub with dawn dish detergent.  I figured, if it can get oil out of bird feathers it can get grease out of fabric.

the after effects – sheets and clothes soaking in dawn dish soap

I’m sure this won’t be the last time they do something like that so I just have to remind myself this stage will pass and they will grow up, one day!  Even though I don’t necessarily love the stage they are in right now as far as behavior goes, I do love this stage they are in for other reasons and I don’t want them to grow up too fast.  Can we just bypass the bad behavior and keep the other aspects of this age?!  I’m sure that would be the dream of every parent of toddlers! I don’t want to skip over the whole stage because if we did we would miss things like this:


Or this:

Hayden coloring

or goofy times like this:

and sweet moments like this:

So I don’t want to miss all those moments, I could just live without things like this:


We are 22 months old now…

This is Hayden and Ian, mom decided to let us write the post this month! This is a little past our 22 month mark, it took us a while to figure out how to use mom’s computer, her orange laptop is a little different than daddy’s computer.  Oh, we’ve been corrected it’s apparently an Apple, not an orange! Anyway, they tried to get a picture of us in the usual chair, but we didn’t want anything to do with it!

22 months

We are crazy, let me tell you… Mom and dad have been chasing us around everywhere lately. It’s their own fault, mom keeps saying she needs to exercise, so we are just helping her out.  They have also  been doing something called disciplining us! We don’t like it much, but apparently it’s what all the parents are doing. We have been put in time out some because of this whole “discipline” thing, it’s kind of annoying and interrupts our play time. It usually happens when we touch the big box called a “TV” or are jumping on the couch, chair, or ottoman. Really we are just testing them to see what we can get away with and what sends us to “time-out.” I heard mom tell someone the other day that we aren’t bad at all, just “active” and need some “direction” sometimes, that’s why we get these time-outs.

We LOVE to play outside, everyone keeps telling us that it’s too hot to play outside though…really? We won’t melt, let us play outside! Mom got us some sand to play in and it’s really cool, I (Hayden) really like to play in it, Ian would rather run around the backyard like a crazy person.

They are we still aren’t talking much, I don’t know what they are saying, we talk all the time. It’s not our fault they can’t understand what we are saying. We do say a few of the words they want to hear like bath, snack, dog and bye bye.

When it comes to eating, we have my favorites and stick to those. Why eat other stuff if we know we like certain foods?  Ian will eat most anything, he just shovels stuff in his mouth, he’s weird like that. The problem is, mom and dad say I need to eat more fruits and veggies! I don’t see why I need to, crackers and bread are what I like so just give me those. They have these really cool pouches that we LOVE to eat.  You just suck the food right out of it, but I think they are trying to pull one over on us.  I heard mom say something about veggies and fruits and the pouches are the only way to get us to eat them.  O’well, they are good and I like them, whatever is in them!

Let’s talk about sleep…since we keep mom and dad on their toes all day long, we decided that we’ll give them a break at night and let them sleep. But, when we lose our pacie, all deals are off, they better come get it for us!  They keep saying, “enjoy that pacie while you can”, not quite sure what that means!

Hayden went to get a snack so this is Ian, let me tell you, Hayden is a stubborn little boy! Mom says he takes after dad because she was an angle…I guess that means I take after her! Don’t let him fool you, he gets put in “time-out” way more often than he wants you to believe.  He’s there a lot more often than me.

We sure do love our cars, legos, and Curious George these days.  Its way more fun to just throw the legos around the room than it is to build anything, by the time we take a nap, there are toys ALL over the living room! We also like to run the cars, trucks and anything with wheels all along the walls, windows, window seal, and anything else for that matter…its so much fun.

We are really into copying what mom and dad do.  If they are doing it, it must be cool and we want to do the same thing.  We try clean like mom does, we’ll help wipe down the walls and the floors with a rag like her.  We also like to talk on the phone like them, when they talk they use their hands a lot, so that’s what we do…it must be a big person thing.

I guess we should stop talking now, mom is giving us a look that says “wrap it up”…I guess she has some browsing to do on Pinterest or Facebook and wants her computer back. Peace!

Furniture redo

A while back we bought a little table and chair set from Ikea for the boys.  They are getting to the point where they like to color and play on a table.  So we figured its time to get them one of their own, and maybe selfishly thinking “maybe they’ll stop climbing to get to the kitchen table.”

I put the table together and the boys love it, they have even eaten at it a few times…until they keep getting up from the table after a bite of food.  Then its back to the high chair.

Anyway, once the table was all put together, in the living room and next to all the other furniture, something just didn’t look right and it was bugging me. All our furniture is dark, couches are dark, entertainment center is dark, even our carpet is darker…the table is pine and white! stark contrast, and it bugged me! So I take matters into my own hands, of course.  I pull out some stain that I already had stained that puppy dark.  Put a few coats of polyurethane on it and it looks gorgeous (well I think it does)! I love it next to all our dark furniture, now it looks like it belongs.  😉

Here’s the before:  And the after:Don’t you love my model, its funny that he got in the picture both times! Well I’ll leave you with some pictures of the boys I took a few weeks ago, playing at their newly beautified table:

Hayden coloring
Ian coloring

As you can see they like to color the table top too…luckily this table was made for children and you can just wipe it up with wet wipes!

Ian being goofy


I Just realized I never published this post that I wrote back in April.  Well, here it is – I went to Orlando a week or two ago a few months ago for work and after Jonathan and the boys came to pic me up at the airport we dropped by the Founder’s Plaza at DFW airport where you can go and watch planes take off.  Hayden was definitely more into watching the planes, where as Ian was more interested in running off into the fields and exploring those.  I think they had a good time and we will definitely make it a point to go back when they are older.  While we were there I was able to get a few photos when the boys would actually stop for a minute or two.

My Growing Boys…

Even though my boys will always be MY babies, I can safely say they are no longer babies.  I mean look at these boys – they are not babies, but little boys!

20 months old

I am amazed at all the boys are doing now. They love cars, trucks, trains, etc.  But mostly, they love to play outside.  Now let them take their cars outside and play, they are in heaven!

The boys absolutely love to be outside – it doesn’t matter that it’s 105 degrees outside, they want to be out there! It’s been a struggle to let them get their outside play time in before it gets too hot, and then not let them stay out too long.  My parents got them a water table to play with and its been nice because we have been able to take it out on the front porch in the evenings under the shade (another reason I love our big front porch).  The boys love water.  They love to swim, slide into it, splash in it and anything else you can imagine.

Hayden has found a love of sand – he could sit on the patio all day and play in his “sand box” we made for him.  We’ll probably end up getting him a real sand box when it cools off some, but for now he has our home made sand box. Ian isn’t too interested with the sand and would rather just run around the backyard.

This age is so fun and when our boys play, they play hard.Their little personalities are definitely beginning to shine and everyday we see new little quirks they have, like Hayden who likes to wear a bucket on his head or Ian who loves to hold on to his cars.


They love to sit by the window, on top of their little recliners and especially like to do this when we vacuum, so they can escape the evil monster that they think will get their toes!

Hayden, who is Mr. Serious to everyone else, is quite the ham! He does so many things that crack us up, he’s hilarious. This picture of him was after their bath one night, he just started throwing his hands up in the air, then would lean back and fall to the ground.  It kind of reminds me of that video that was going around in the 90’s of the dancing baby…

You never know what he’ll do next. Hayden also loves to push things around the house.  Usually his trucks or wagon, but sometimes its chairs, he reminds me of a little linebacker.

Ian has become quite the momma’s boy lately.  He always wants me to hold him and loves to sit in the chair with you.  He also LOVES to read, he always wants you to read to him and it’s not unusual to find him just looking at a book on his own.


Wow, this has become a lengthy post…I guess once you get me talking about my boys, I won’t quit. I’ll just leave you with a picture that pretty much sums up our life with the boys!