We are 22 months old now…

This is Hayden and Ian, mom decided to let us write the post this month! This is a little past our 22 month mark, it took us a while to figure out how to use mom’s computer, her orange laptop is a little different than daddy’s computer.  Oh, we’ve been corrected it’s apparently an Apple, not an orange! Anyway, they tried to get a picture of us in the usual chair, but we didn’t want anything to do with it!

22 months

We are crazy, let me tell you… Mom and dad have been chasing us around everywhere lately. It’s their own fault, mom keeps saying she needs to exercise, so we are just helping her out.  They have also  been doing something called disciplining us! We don’t like it much, but apparently it’s what all the parents are doing. We have been put in time out some because of this whole “discipline” thing, it’s kind of annoying and interrupts our play time. It usually happens when we touch the big box called a “TV” or are jumping on the couch, chair, or ottoman. Really we are just testing them to see what we can get away with and what sends us to “time-out.” I heard mom tell someone the other day that we aren’t bad at all, just “active” and need some “direction” sometimes, that’s why we get these time-outs.

We LOVE to play outside, everyone keeps telling us that it’s too hot to play outside though…really? We won’t melt, let us play outside! Mom got us some sand to play in and it’s really cool, I (Hayden) really like to play in it, Ian would rather run around the backyard like a crazy person.

They are we still aren’t talking much, I don’t know what they are saying, we talk all the time. It’s not our fault they can’t understand what we are saying. We do say a few of the words they want to hear like bath, snack, dog and bye bye.

When it comes to eating, we have my favorites and stick to those. Why eat other stuff if we know we like certain foods?  Ian will eat most anything, he just shovels stuff in his mouth, he’s weird like that. The problem is, mom and dad say I need to eat more fruits and veggies! I don’t see why I need to, crackers and bread are what I like so just give me those. They have these really cool pouches that we LOVE to eat.  You just suck the food right out of it, but I think they are trying to pull one over on us.  I heard mom say something about veggies and fruits and the pouches are the only way to get us to eat them.  O’well, they are good and I like them, whatever is in them!

Let’s talk about sleep…since we keep mom and dad on their toes all day long, we decided that we’ll give them a break at night and let them sleep. But, when we lose our pacie, all deals are off, they better come get it for us!  They keep saying, “enjoy that pacie while you can”, not quite sure what that means!

Hayden went to get a snack so this is Ian, let me tell you, Hayden is a stubborn little boy! Mom says he takes after dad because she was an angle…I guess that means I take after her! Don’t let him fool you, he gets put in “time-out” way more often than he wants you to believe.  He’s there a lot more often than me.

We sure do love our cars, legos, and Curious George these days.  Its way more fun to just throw the legos around the room than it is to build anything, by the time we take a nap, there are toys ALL over the living room! We also like to run the cars, trucks and anything with wheels all along the walls, windows, window seal, and anything else for that matter…its so much fun.

We are really into copying what mom and dad do.  If they are doing it, it must be cool and we want to do the same thing.  We try clean like mom does, we’ll help wipe down the walls and the floors with a rag like her.  We also like to talk on the phone like them, when they talk they use their hands a lot, so that’s what we do…it must be a big person thing.

I guess we should stop talking now, mom is giving us a look that says “wrap it up”…I guess she has some browsing to do on Pinterest or Facebook and wants her computer back. Peace!

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