You don’t miss it till it leaves

Our freezer and fridge have been on the blink the last day or so. It makes a buzzing sound, almost like a pair of hair clippers every ten minutes or so and we realized yesterday evening that it wasn’t cooling so well.
When I came home late last night (as in — well — it was late), I went to check to see if it had started cooling and the ice bucket for the ice maker had become a bucket full of water.
I came home tonight again and went to get ice for a big tall glass of ice water and sure enough – I think its actually getting warmer in the ice box as we speak. It may just cook the chicken and other food in there before too long.
Anyways, it just got me thinking how much I don’t really appreciate things (like water) until its gone. I’ve never really had to go without necessities for more than an hour or so at a time. I’ve been really blessed. And granted ICE COLD water is not a necessity — I still have water, just not cold water.
But think about those who are way less fortunate than you.
I’ve had discussions recently with many about immigration. I’ve even had someone tell me that when scripture says, “Love your neighbor as yourself” I wasn’t really understanding the word neighbor. And that somehow because someone comes into my country illegally they’re not a neighbor.
Did I miss the meanging behind the Good Samaritan story?
But I say all that, to say: think about how blessed you really are.
Gas prices are high, but I still have gas money to go see my friends and family. I can still go to work. I can still drive to Dallas to see my girl.
It’s flippin hot outside, but I still have a roof over my head and an A/C and fans to keep me cool.
There are constant debates over political matters in our country, but people are arguing them on TV, not by shooting rocket propelled missles at each other.
But for some reason, we’ve begun to condemn those around us who have way less than us in their home country and simply want to come to America to make a better life for themselves.
Am I missing something here? Or just rambling non-coherant thoughts.
Well, I’m going to go find some cold water and head to bed – so talk amongst yourselves. Go ahead – talk amongst yourselves and then let me know what you decide.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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