Whistling in the dark

So a funny thing happened to me at work yesterday.
I work in a middle office, between the main front office and the shop in the back. There are no windows in my office, other than one between me and the commissioner’s office and the blinds usually remain closed, and the windows in the door leading into the shop.
Since I’ve been here, one of the light fixtures has been out. The bulbs have been no good.
Yesterday morning, the other fixture across the room started flickering. Then around 10 a.m. Blink.
Pitch black. No light other than what was flickering off my computer monitor.
Luckily I was about to head out to map more bridges and culverts in the precinct, but it was a bit of a downer for a few minutes there.
And thank goodness Eddie came to save the day. He brought six new six foot bulbs today and so now my office is as bright as daylight. And now that my office is as bright as the sun, its time to head out again.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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