West Fest

West Fest is going on in Waco today/tonight and maybe tomorrow.
I have a number of friends from Dallas that will perform tonight at 7 I think. And they’ve asked me to come, but I don’t know that I really want to. Is that wrong?
Sure I’d love to see my friends, but it’ll probably cost me $15-$20 in gas to go drive to West (north of Waco) and back, for an hour show.
I don’t have any other plans that are set in stone yet – but my neighbors were talking about a BBQ tonight with their parents, and spending $5 or so on meat sounds more tempting that spending $20 on gas (and still needing to eat).
So for Aaron and anyone who reads my blog and is gonna be in West tonight, hope you understand. You’re all more than welcome to drive down south a little ways and hang here tonight if you’d like.
Oh – and I really need to call my mom. I’ve been meaning to since Thursday but haven’t had more than five minutes to talk. So hopefully I’ll get that taken care of tonight as well.
Well that’s about it from Casa de Blundell Museum. We will have extended hours tomorrow since The Evening Star will be closed down. I hope to enjoy my first holiday off (other than 4th of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas) since I started working for the company.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

One thought on “West Fest”

  1. I think the show was pretty good. I am not sure because I was concentrating too hard on playing the right notes to really enjoy the show. From what I noticed and what people said, it was a good show.

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