Using kids as buzz marketers

Corporate Babysitter shares a portion of a BBC documentary, “The Search for Cool” that shows “cool kids” as young as six being targeted to market toys and gadgets to their friends – specifically the Nintendo DS.

A few telling quotes:

“The street teams consist of ‘cool kids’.. who will represent the brands in a very vocal way to their friends.”

“Obviously children are the best way to promote something.”

“Schools have let them do assemblies on the products… PowerPoints… anything we can get away with.”

“It’s a feeling of belonging… like an elite community.”

Watch the video. Does this drive anyone else batty? I know folks use bloggers and podcasters this way…. maybe its a double standard, but using six year old kids to market products to their friends leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

HT to Corporate Babysitter.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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