Obamacare vs. The Affordable Care Act

A CNBC poll found that 46 percent of Americans oppose Obamacare, while only 37 percent oppose the Affordable Care Act.

Jimmy Kimmel sent his Q&A crew out into the streets to find out what the American public think about the “two plans” and the healthcare debate.

Not only do people have different opinions about Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act (they’re the same thing!) they often disagree with one or the other in name and then like most everything the law provides when you break it down.

Or as Kimmel says, “It’s just the opposite of a McNugget.”

HT @stealingsand

“Then shut it down”

Every time talk of a government shutdown happens I want to go back and watch these episodes of West Wing… (and usually I do.)

I’ll be waiting to see President Bartlet take a walk from the White House to the Capital and show Congress what’s up.