Not exactly digging the last minute flower but otherwise…
Do this.
Just finished reading Farewell to Mars by Brian Zahnd.
Highly recommended it.
Here’s a snippet:
Jesus doesn’t call us to give a prophetic interpretation to the latest war and rumor of war. Jesus calls us to be peacemakers and lead the way out of the darkness of retributive violence into the light of Christian reconciliation.
You can see many more if you follow my Kindle notes – or better yet, grab a copy for yourself.
HT @saddington and @benjordan
Fried rice for lunch today. One of the perks of working from home. Hot, fresh fried rice for lunch.
As a tip: use cold rice to start and butter for added flavor.
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Time to officially retire my last UMHB shirt to the work clothes pile. It’s been a good one and kept me warm on many occasions these last 12-13 years – including while painting the last two nights.
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