thoughts on Romney

lots of thoughts on the web today about Romney’s speech at Texas A&M last night.

Thought these were the most interesting

Mitt Romney took to the microphone the other day to make his stand for religous freedom, unsubtley likening himself to JFK and calling upon the names of Sam Adams, and of course Jesus.

But his speech sounded not a cry for the religious freedom envisioned by the Founders. It was far from an endorsment of America’s cherished pluralism.

It was instead a shameless bid for the endorsement of the Christian Right. Using Jesus’ name, he pitched himself to the Christian Right, assuring them that he was Christian too.

In short, he wrapped himself in the old flag of the worst of civil religion which calls for the Christianizing of the body politic rather than the freedom of religious belief and expression in the public square.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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