The United Church of Christ’s God is Still Speaking Campaign talks about marketing for the United Church of Christ.

You may disagree with their theology, but you’ve got to love their marketing. The United Church of Christ made headlines late last year when their TV commercial featuring a bouncer at the gates of a church and a voice-over saying, ‘Jesus didn’t turn people away. Neither do we.’ was rejected by NBC and CBS.

I had a long discussion with my aunt Sunday night and we talked all about Christians shooting their wounded and being afraid to accept the lost and go to them where they are.
The United Methodists have a strong campaign about Open Doors and Open Hearts.
While it both campaigns may come across to many as too accepting or too liberal – I wonder if that’s where the real problem is.
Granted I’m not going to accept a homosexual pastor, but I wouldn’t accept a pot-smoking or adulterer in the pulpit either.
I think the real problem is that people caught up in whatever sin they might be struggling with feel shunned from the Gospel they need so badly.
What is your church doing to reach the lost?

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

One thought on “The United Church of Christ’s God is Still Speaking Campaign”

  1. Ironically I find a lot of churches that are more ‘accepting’ of others are also more likely to not take the Bible as authoritive, and while having outstanding social programs, have poor evangelism if not doctrine that goes against scripture. It really makes you wonder if any church has it right.

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