The New Face of American Christianity

Gabe Lyons, Jon Tyson, Tyler Wigg-Stevenson, Shannon Sedgwick Davis and Nicole Baker Fulgham recently talked with ABC News about the new face of American Christianity.

A great conversation!

I love their posture and their thoughts. No left or right. No young or old. Just people who want to make a real difference in the world in the name of Jesus.

They talk about adoption issues, education, nuclear proliferation, AIDS, poverty, Joseph Kony and more.

The upcoming generation of Christians will not be defined by one or two issues — and I believe we’re interested in looking more outward than inward.

No more us vs. them.

And I firmly believe that the world should be better because followers of him live in it. Everyone should live better lives because they live by Christians.

And that goes beyond just “Christians.”

I hope that you live a better life because you know me — or live by me — or read something I wrote along the way. It’s not an egotistical thing. I just take ownership of this broader idea and hope that I’m making your world better in some form or fashion.

“I’m excited about a church that shows up… and shows up on time… living out tenants of justice and mercy that is thick in the Bible that I believe in — and one that’s daring and courageous and willing to jump off a cliff for it.”

– Shannon Sedgwick Davis

If the video doesn’t show, watch it on

(HT to Charles Lee for the video)

Also, if you’d like to find out more about Tyler Wigg-Stevenson, and the great work he’s doing with the Two Futures Project, be sure and check out his recent interview on our podcast.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

2 thoughts on “The New Face of American Christianity”

  1. I find it interesting to see and hear white evangelicals in the U.S. confidently declaring themselves as the “new face” of evangelicalism while completely missing the fact that evangelicalism is no longer a “white man's religion.” How come in this group of people that's interviewed by ABC we don't see Asian, Hispanic, black faces? Do these 5 people really represent the diverse demographic of American evangelicalism?

  2. Steve great observation. The video did have one black woman represented, Nicole Baker Fulgham, but no other races. I guess as a white male I'm not always as aware of a lack of diversity in smaller groups. And while I don't know any of these folks individually (I've only talked with Tyler via phone/Skype once or twice), I don't think any of them mean to say they are the face of evangelism. But I could be wrong and I definitely don't have the perspective you do, so I greatly appreciate your insight. I know the new face of evangelism/Christianity will be diverse like never before. It must! Thanks again for your insight!

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