My boys make their YouTube & Vimeo debut…
Still hard to believe they’re here and home with us. They’re three weeks old today!
Music by my good friend Aaron Lehmann (aka All Things New). Download it from NoiseTrade. Filmed with my Flip UltraHD
My boys make their YouTube & Vimeo debut…
Still hard to believe they’re here and home with us. They’re three weeks old today!
Music by my good friend Aaron Lehmann (aka All Things New). Download it from NoiseTrade. Filmed with my Flip UltraHD
This Sunday — Get on Your Boots — U2 will be streaming the final U.S. concert from this leg of the 360 World Tour live on YouTube.
The Rose Bowl show is the penultimate U2 show this year – with more to come in 2010 – and already is set to host the venue’s biggest ever audience of over 96,000 fans. The 360° Tour, which has been critically acclaimed and ‘re-invents rock’n’roll’ (Rolling Stone Magazine), will now boast unique access for fans worldwide – as fans in territories yet to be visited by the tour, or not at all, will be able to enjoy the whole show online.
Wanted to highlight a few folks/groups that have really impressed me as of late in putting social media to great use for The Kingdom.
The first is Trinity Wall Street.
While their site itself is not full of social media tools – @headphonaught passed along a great way they’re telling the story of Jesus the Messiah today.
From noon to 3 p.m. today they twittered the entire passion story of Jesus’ last hours on the cross via GroupTweet.
via @tc226: This man befriends prostitutes, washes the feet of the poor – surely he is not a King but a blasphemer.
and the part of the story I’ve been meditating on today…
via @ServingGirl: Darkness and earthquake. I heard the curtain in the temple was torn in two. I wonder…
If you missed the story/play visit their twitter stream and scroll back to follow the story from the beginning.
Next, Church in the Cliff, which is just north of me in Oak Cliff has launched their new site built around lots of great social media tools.
The site itself is limited in wordy information. Other than the blog on the site, there’s only one other page on the site itself, a brief about us page.
The front page highlights their Flickr group, a tab/link to their Facebook group and one to their Twitter feed as well. They’re also using YouTube and a weekly Lifestream.
As a side note, Church in the Cliff has also come up with a great creative, transformative way to share God’s story this Resurrection season as well. They’ve put together an entire Stations of the Cross, using DART rail stations in Dallas. There’s a meditation guide on their site for folks and they’ll have their folks stationed at different areas to help add in the process. (although at the moment I can’t seem to find the PDF for downloading ) .
Finally, I’d be amiss if I didn’t mention Mark Horvath (aka @hardlynormal and @invisiblepeople). We had Mark on our show a few weeks back. He’s putting social media to use in big ways, telling the stories of “invisible people” and the homeless and the media. Just look at his list of accounts:
So there are a few folks who are doing Kingdom (social) media well. Follow them, get inspiration and then find your own unique ways to tell God’s story.
Who else have you seen that’s putting social media to great use?
If you’ve missed it…
Here’s Sonseed’s video from the early 80’s — Jesus is a Friend of Mine ::
And here’s a cover of the song by the David Crowder Band ::
yesssss! i have a feeling this song may end up on a future podcast.
another HT to Tall Skinny Kiwi for the David Crowder version.
This January, Church of the Resurrection (Leawood, KS) is beginning a new sermon series called “Seeing Gray.†Pastor Adam Hamilton will be searching for insight to some complex gray areas of faith, morality, and politics by studying the Bible and Christ’s example.
Are there gray issues surrounding your faith?
What I really like about this series is they’re posing the question to YouTube viewers and seeking their responses. Similar to a man on the street video like we’ve done in the past – but this lets people post their own videos from where ever they may be in the world.
Here’s a trailer:
And here’s the first question:
It already has some input and responses. How would you respond?
Hat tip to
The Mike Huckabee campaign is using YouTube and grassroots more and more everyday. Voters are being encouraged to upload their own videos saying why they’re switching to Mike Huckabee.
From the campaign:
Some have called it the rise of a dark horse, others a stunning political phenomena. We simply call it: the Huckaboom.
Now you can join the increasing number of people who are making the switch and becoming a part of this growing national surge.
Now more than ever American voters are beginning to make the Switch to Huckabee. They may come from different backgrounds, different professions, different walks of life but their choice for president is resoundingly unanimous. These are their stories. These are their words.
Now we want to hear yours.
Everyday Americans voicing their reasons to believe in Mike Huckabee
Think you don’t have a voice in American politics? Think again.
Check out the current videos, they have a feel of those Apple ads I love where people switch from PC to Apple.