re-posts re: church

Was reading The New Christians today at lunch and came across a familiar name :: Jonny Baker.
Thomas introduced me to Jonny a while back and while searching my site for a few things I came across these quotes I shared back in 2006 from Jonny.

This was an ad for a church on Jonny’s site:

You love God but you just can’t do Sunday morning style church?
You’re really not into singing songs all the time or you don’t believe that singing songs is the only way we can worship God?
You would like to be part of a church where you are accountable to each other and are responsible for helping each other grow?
You’re tired of professional Christianity and you just want to be church like it was with Jesus and his followers back in his human days?
You believe Church is more fluid than a building or tradition.

And how about this…

Can we imagine church as ::

  • church beyond gathering?
  • church beyond once a week?
  • church as always on connectivity to christ and one another?
  • church where community is the content?
  • theology and resources of church being open source?
  • church valuing the wisdom of the crowd rather than the knowledge of the expert?
  • our church/spirituality being easily found by seekers because we tag it that way?
  • an ethos of low control and collaboration?
  • an economy of gift?
  • church as spaces for creative production and self publishing?
  • church as providers of resources for spiritual seekers and tourists?

I hope its coming true.