
Mini Seattle
Mini Seattle | Photo by Jonathan Blundell

Laurie and I have had a number of great vacations over the past 4 years – and I think we’re both looking forward to many more with (and maybe without) our two boys.

Just for kicks, I found a cool tutorial the other day that simulated the “toy-photography” (aka tilt-shift) niche via Photoshop and thought I’d create some “mini-vacations” for you to enjoy.
Continue reading Mini-vacations

Adventures in Fatherhood: Just me and the boys

Boys and I
The boys and I on their one month birthday

Well, it’s been just over eight weeks since the boys were born — and tomorrow is their two month birthday.

And like it or not, the powers that be have decided that eight weeks is plenty of time for a woman who’s had a C-Section to recover, so my wonderful Life is returning to work today.

To make things easier on the boys, I’ve opted to take vacation time this week to watch them by myself at home. And since our office is closed next week for the holidays, I’ll be at home with them a second week before our moms take over after the start of the year.

It should be an interesting two weeks! I’m thrilled to get to spend so much time with the boys, but I know it’s going to be far more work than I realize.

Laurie’s suggested I’ll probably do more work during the next two weeks than I ever would have done at the office — she’s probably right.

When I first agreed to it, the boys had just come home and they were sleeping 95% of the time. So as the time’s been getting closer, I’ve been looking forward to all the “extra work” I’d get done on some of my projects.

But as the time’s gotten even closer — the boys are becoming more and more active and down time is becoming less and less.

So… if you have something waiting on my to-do list… I’ll do my best – but I’m not promising anything right now.

And you may be hearing/seeing a lot from me online… or hardly nothing at all.

Who knows? We’ll see how it goes and keep our fingers crossed that I won’t be calling for help after the first few hours.

Sleepless in Seattle

As I write this, we’ve just arrived back home (roughly an hour ago) from our quick whirlwind trip to Seattle.

Laurie’s already sound asleep as I catch up on some e-mails and such before heading that way as well.

We had a great time seeing many of Seattle’s great sites…
Continue reading Sleepless in Seattle

Taking a break

Multi-tasking at work

Yup, I’m taking a break. A sabbatical, leave of absence, vacation, or whatever you want to call it — a break from Web 2.0.

As of writing this, I’m not sure how long it’ll be. I’m thinking at least two weeks, but maybe the whole month of November. We’ll just wait and see.
Continue reading Taking a break

July 2009 vacation photos

I’ve posted 250+ of my favorite photos from our vacation last week in the Bahamas.

You can view them here (click on the photo below)… or on Flickr or as a slideshow.

July 2009 Cruise to the Bahamas

Also, you can see the photos Laurie picked as her favorites on Flickr as well.

Returning home

Just a couple initial thoughts tonight, about our cruise…

We had a great time with our family — it made for a great trip. I even had a good time after my legs became the main topic of conversation — after my stank-nasty sunburn on Tuesday.

And unlike our last cruise – we hardly noticed the ship moving or rocking at all.

However, since we got off the ship this morning (around 9:30 am EST) I’ve continued having “motion moments” in which I turn or move a certain way and feel like I’m on a very rocky sea vessel — odd.

And finally — no matter how pampered we are on the cruise — Royal Caribbean still can’t beat the normal size of my toilet seat, the softness of my toilet paper, the average size of my shower and the softness (and length) of my own bed.

There’s still no place like home.